NSF Workshop on Sustainable Funding for HPC Centers available on WebEx

Over 90 high performance computing center directors, CIOs, vice provosts for research, and CTOs will participate in the NSF-sponsored “Workshop on Sustainable Funding and Business Models for HPC Centers” on May 3-5 at Cornell University.

Although the workshop is at maximum capacity for onsite participation, the organizers added a WebEx capability for those who wish to participate in the May 4-5 presentations via the web. The workshop agenda and a link to register for the WebEx sessions are available at http://www.cac.cornell.edu/SRCC.

Funded by the National Science Foundation Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI), this workshop was organized by Stanley Ahalt, director, Renaissance Computing Institute; Amy Apon, director, Arkansas High Performance Computing Center, University of Arkansas; David Lifka, director, Cornell Center for Advanced Computing; and, Henry Neeman, director, OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research, University of Oklahoma.