Transaction Processing Performance Council Announces Conference

TPC-Virtualization Work Group also formed as a result of papers presented during the TPCTC 2009 conference


The Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) today announced a call for papers for its Second TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking (TPCTC 2010). The conference will be collocated with the 36th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) on September 17 in Singapore. The TPC is a co-sponsor of VLDB 2010, and conference registration information is available at


Selected papers will be presented during the conference, published in conference proceedings in print and electronic formats, and may be considered for future benchmark developments. Researchers and industry experts are encouraged to submit novel ideas and methodologies in performance evaluation, measurement and characterization in the following areas: appliance, business intelligence, cloud computing, complex event processing, data compression, database optimizations, disaster tolerance and recovery, energy and space efficiency, green computing, hardware innovations, high speed data generation, hybrid workloads, software management and maintenance, unstructured data management, virtualization, very large memory systems, lessons learned in using TPC workloads and enhancements to TPC workloads. The deadline for abstract submission is June 5, 2010 and additional information is available at


The TPCTC 2010 keynote speaker will be Dr. C. Mohan, IBM Fellow at IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, who is recognized worldwide as a leading innovator in transaction management. “The technology landscape is continually evolving,” said Dr. Mohan, “and the TPC will continue to develop new benchmarks to keep pace. This is clearly illustrated by the TPC’s ongoing commitment towards hosting technology conferences, and by the recent formation of the TPC-Virtualization Work Group. The TPC is providing industry experts with a genuine opportunity to help mold the next generation of benchmarks.”


“The TPC remains committed to developing highly relevant benchmark standards,” said Raghunath Nambiar, general chair of the conference and a performance strategist at Cisco Systems, Inc, “The TPCTC is a powerful central forum that enables researchers and industry experts to engage in ongoing discussions and debate their novel ideas and methodologies for performance evaluation and benchmarking for both software and hardware.”


The TPC’s most recent benchmark development efforts are in the areas of Virtualization and ETL (Extract/Transform/Load). Virtualization was identified as a pressing area for benchmark development during the TPC’s first Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking in 2009. As a result, the TPC-Virtualization Work Group was formed to respond to the growth in virtualization technology and capture some of the common-case usage of virtualization with database workloads, in a well-designed benchmark for virtual environments. Separately, the TPC-ETL benchmark committee was formed in 2008 to develop a standard for comparing the performance of ETL systems based on scenarios, and scale over a wide range of data set sizes. Additional information on current and upcoming TPC benchmarks is available at


Organizations that are interested in influencing the TPC benchmarking development process, including work on TPC-Virtualization and TPC-ETL, are encouraged to become members. Additional information is available at