New Atlantic Ocean discovery powered by Finisterrae supercomputer


  • The agreement between Puertos del Estado (Spain), Galician Regional Government and Supercomputing Centre of Galicia, CESGA, enables predict the behaviour of ocean circulation and sea level in the period 2000 – 2050
  • The plan also allows to know the most optimal conditions for shellfish or predictions of water quality
  • Users like the seafood and fishing industry will benefit of more accurate predictions for their needs.

Funded by the European Union, this project will develop an information service for all users of the maritime industry that will provide basic oceanographic data and information for the knowledge of European seas. Also enable the implementation of a regional oceanographic model for the Spanish Atlantic coast that allows foreseeing the behavior of ocean circulation and sea level over the period 2000-2050, based on various climate change scenarios. The system evaluation will be done in the Finisterrae supercomputer, at CESGA.

In the field of this agreement and the Interreg RAIA project collaboration between Galicia and northern Portugal, they will install new oceanographic buoys in the Galician and Portuguese coast and implemented new forecasting models for the pontoons of Coruña, Vigo, Viana do Castelo and Leixoes.

The data collected offer several possibilities for the industry, environment and knowledge of the oceans. Examples that are already being carried out are related to the prevention of weather and its consequences.

For example, the use of a supercomputer and simulations in meteorology will allow more reliable predictions of weather and atmospheric behaviour, and can provide more timely arrival of cyclones, hurricanes or cold waves and improve preventive action by security forces. Other products are the predictions of the most optimal conditions for shellfish or water quality.