The Austin Forum: 'Supercomputing -- Why It's Important to Austin...and You!'

By Dr. Jay Boisseau, Director, Texas Advanced Computing Center -- Computing technologies were invented to help solve mathematical equations for science and engineering, but have now become so ubiquitous in our daily lives that we often take them for granted. However, the importance of computing technologies for advancing science continues to grow, and their role in transforming society is expanding rapidly.

Austin has established itself as a leading city for computing technologies, and has the potential to lead the world in supercomputing: the advanced computing technologies that enable new discoveries heretofore impossible. By offering capabilities for understanding and predicting the complex behavior and interaction of biological, environmental and even social systems, supercomputing pushes the limits of both fundamental and practical knowledge. Leading the way in supercomputing now means advancing our understanding of the physical universe, and even transforming the world, for the good of all.

This presentation will discuss the definition of supercomputing (historically and today), the importance of computing in science, and the role that advanced computing is playing-and will play-in science and in society. The talk will describe how Austin has become a leader in supercomputing, how that leadership can be developed and extended, why such leadership is important to the continued growth of the city, and why you should care. Finally, it will present information that will enable you to learn more and contribute to the ascension of Austin as the supercomputing capital of the world.

We hope to see you at this event! Remember, this event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP at: .