ISC'10: The Final Count Down for Call for Papers Begins

ISC'10 calls interested researchers to submit papers by January 11, 2010

ISC’10, the 25th International Supercomputing Conference urges all researchers seeking an opportunity to share their research results in the computing and scientific disciplines to submit their original work by Monday, January 11, 2010.

ISC’10 encourages papers reporting original work in theoretical, experimental and industrial research and development in the following areas:
* Innovative Architectures
* Applicability of New Programming Concepts
* Data Management and Storage Systems

Full papers of not more than eight pages should be submitted in PDF format to by Monday, January 11, 2010. All papers must be written in English. Papers will be peer-reviewed by three reviewers and will be evaluated based on their novelty, fundamental insights and potential for long-term contribution.

Authors who submit papers must also agree to present their work at ISC’10, which takes place from May 31 – June 3, 2010 in Hamburg, Germany. A maximum of 24 accepted papers will be published in a special edition of “Computer Science– Research and Development” by Springer Verlag, Germany, available at ISC’10 from May 31 onwards. The ISC’10 Scientific Program Committee will consider and select suitable papers for the Scientific Sessions. The ISC’10 Award Committee, on the other hand, will decide on two best papers for the ISC Award and PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) Award respectively, which will be presented to the winners during the ISC’10 Opening Session.

The authors of the ISC and PRACE Award winning papers will also be presented the opportunity to give a keynote talk on their work at the Scientific Session on Monday, May 31, 2010. The Session features first-class open forums for engineers and scientists in academia, industry and government to present and discuss issues, trends and results that will shape the future of high performance computing and networking.

Detailed information is available at