OCF Recruits Seasoned HPC Sales Specialist

Today, OCF appoints ex SGI and ClusterVision sales specialist Georgina Ellis as Sales Executive with a primary focus on maintaining and growing OCF’s presence in the Academic Research community.  
Georgina has a keen interest in helping organisations realise the benefits of cloud computing and in particular ‘Academic Clouds’ for commercial purposes.
“Over the past ten years Georgina has established herself as an excellent HPC system sales person; in her two previous roles Georgina has regularly supported and been instrumental in winning major HPC accounts, particularly Science Research Investment Fund (SRIF) projects,” comments Barry Evans, Technical Director, OCF.
He continues: “We are pleased that she will now be helping OCF maintain its impressive growth and continue to build our reputation as the UK’s premier bespoke HPC system integrator capable of designing, implementing, configuring and supporting HPC systems.”
“Before joining OCF, I would listen to customers and OCF was always held in high regard,” comments Georgina Ellis.  “OCF does not pitch on price, but on value and product & solution differentiation.  Today, if an organisation is in the market for an HPC system, then they want to see OCF tender for their business.  I have joined an ambitious, industry respected organisation and I am looking forward to contributing to the Company’s continued success.”
Georgina has over fifteen years sales experience, with over half of those dedicated to grid, the HPC industry and its associated technologies.  Until recently Georgina was Sales Account Manager for HPC system and data management vendor SGI where she was responsible for HPC Account Management research and academic institutions across the UK.

Prior to SGI, Georgina worked for ClusterVision. Georgina helped establish ClusterVision in the UK market and held various sales, project management and supplier relationship roles. Before her role at ClusterVision, Georgina worked for the Public Service Communication Agency and was responsible for researching and developing the government reports on grid technology.
Outside of work, Georgina is keen on helping to encourage take up and understanding of technology in schools.  She is Parent Governor and IT Governor for her children’s Primary School and last year developed a Programming day for pupils to demonstrate the difference between “point and click IT” and Computing, together with the local Secondary School and Microsoft.  Georgina is now involved with the North Staffs IT Diploma Committee and working on a project around a Programming Course for Schools.