3Tera, SOASTA Partner to Provide Cost-Effective Application Performance and Reliability Testing for Cloud Computing Deployments

3Tera and SOASTA today announced that the two companies have entered into a partnership to provide customers with flexible, scalable, performance-certified Web sites and applications that can reliably handle traffic spikes and associated resource requirement changes.

With this partnership, 3Tera customers will have access to SOASTA’s performance certification process and methodology to achieve the best use of their current cloud infrastructure, powered by 3Tera AppLogic cloud computing platform.

“Working with 3Tera blends together the best of both worlds—flexible cloud computing infrastructure and best–of–breed cloud testing to create an easy, quick and very effective solution for successfully deploying applications in the Cloud,” said Tom Lounibos, CEO, SOASTA.

Bert Armijo, senior vice president of sales, marketing and product management, 3Tera, Inc., commented, “SOASTA’s innovative cloud testing approach integrates perfectly with 3Tera’s cloud computing offerings, providing customers new levels of precision when architecting applications for scaling with demand.”

“As a Web-based charity on a lean budget, we need to make sure we understand how our application architecture, code and database design perform when traffic escalates,” said Oliver Hurst-Hiller, CTO, Donorschoose.org, a nonprofit organization that helps public school teachers with limited budgets find funding for classroom projects. “Working with 3Tera and SOASTA provides us with a flexible infrastructure that enables us to understand our application's limits and how to manage availability and cost when media coverage causes traffic spikes on our Web site.”

SOASTA Performance Certification, based upon its CloudTest On-Demand load and performance testing solution, is a turnkey process that dramatically reduces the cost and increases the accuracy of Web-scale testing. SOASTA CloudTest identifies potential bottlenecks, such as application or network issues that limit the scalability and reliability of an application. By providing end-to-end validation of performance, SOASTA ensures that a Web application or Web site can handle unexpected spikes or surges in traffic.

Benefits for customers
3Tera provides unprecedented control over the infrastructure and resources used to operate applications deployed in the Cloud. By removing the need to manage configuration of individual servers and virtual machines, application performance in the cloud becomes much easier to predict and measure. SOASTA CloudTest combined with 3Tera AppLogic deliver significant benefits to customers, including:
  • A “drag-and-drop” interface to easily change application infrastructure as needed
  • Low-cost, integrated environment to setup, test, detect and fix performance issues
  • Ability to quickly run multiple tests at varying traffic levels
  • Ability to isolate performance bottlenecks to the application and/or infrastructure
  • Certification process to ensure optimal service availability and flexibility