Driving OSGi and Private Cloud Convergence Paremus announces availability of Paremus Service Fabric v1.5

The ‘smart’ PaaS runtime for Private Cloud based business systems.


Paremus, has announced the immediate availability of version 1.5 of the Paremus Service Fabric, the industry’s only OSGi-based Cloud runtime for the enterprise. At the heart of the 1.5 release is the new Nimble dependency engine, a state-of-the-art dependency resolver. Nimble enables the Paremus Service Fabric runtime to dynamically adapt to the requirements of the applications and business services it hosts. Driving inversion of control (IoC) to its logical conclusion, runtime policies attached to the application components enable the Service Fabric to dynamically deploy and manage all of the infrastructure services required by the business system.


“Cloud and OSGi are increasingly fashionable technologies, yet the market-hype obscures a number of fundamental operational problems that must be solved before Cloud based runtimes are ready to meet all the enterprise requirements.” said Richard Nicholson Paremus CEO. “The ability of a highly adaptive OSGi-based Cloud runtime to adapt to service requirements, as well as changing resource populations, is a fundamental differentiator of the Paremus Service Fabric. However, such capabilities must be balanced with the manageability, governance, and robustness considerations that all enterprises face. Paremus has focused on this problem area since 2003, and the 1.5 release of our second generation Service Fabric consolidates our technology leadership.”


“Take deployment of a simple WAR as an example” said Mike Francis, Sales & Marketing Director. “One business system may have a preference for the Jetty servlet container, while another may have a preference for Tomcat. At the point of deploying the WAR the Service Fabric understands that the WAR needs a Servlet container and dynamically installs the supporting infrastructure based on the defined policy associated with the application components. The net result is dramatic - an advanced composite Cloud runtime which is significantly simpler to manage than the current servers farms. The Service Fabric‘s adaptability also helps our customers avoid the expense and limitations of development framework and middleware lock-in.”


In addition to Nimble, the 1.5 release of the Service Fabric includes:

  • Support for additional Java IoC development frameworks – Spring Dynamic Modules (DM) and traditional Spring framework components, Guice (Peaberry), iPOJO and Declarative Services.
  • Enhanced provisioning and service management capabilities - enabling a shared Cloud platform while addressing the management and governance aspects that result from such a strategy.
  • Extensive OSGi RFC132 shell capabilities

A free 30 day evaluation license of the Paremus Service Fabric is available following registration at http://www.paremus.com/registration/evaluation.html .