T-Platforms Joins Supercomputer consortium of Russia's universities

T-Platforms company, the leading Russian supercomputer developer and manufacturer, has been accepted to join Supercomputer Consortium of Russian Universities. This organization was founded by the Russian universities with the most powerful computing resources in the country. As an associated member of the consortium, T-Platforms will support development of supercomputing technology in Russia.

At the end of December 2008, Lomonosov Moscow State University, N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Tomsk State University and South Ural State University signed an agreement on creation of Supercomputer consortium. The primary goal of the organization is to develop and implement measures for effective use of the existing Higher School potential for development and application of supercomputer technologies in Russian education, science and industry. Victor Sadovnichy, Head of Lomonosov State University, was appointed Consortium President.

Now the Consortium has 15 permanent members - Russian higher education institutions. In a number of the universities there installed T-Platforms HPC systems that have more than once occupied the leading positions of TOP50 rating of the most power computers in Russia and the CIS. Thus, it is consequent that T-Platforms has become a Consortium member. Hence now on T-Platforms will contribute to implementation of new forms of cooperation between universities, commercial and industrial companies.
T-Platforms holding is the leading Russian developer and manufacturer of turn-key solutions for high-performance computing. The holding offers a full range of HPC products and services, including access to supercomputers, end-to-end large-scale modeling and simulation, and comprehensive management of customers’ supercomputer sites. Since 2002 T-Platforms has successfully implemented over 100 HPC projects, delivering the most powerful supercomputers to date in Russia and the CIS countries in 2004, 2007 and 2008.