Grid computing school shares teaching resources through digital library, blog

Anyone with Internet access can now share all the thrills and spills of the sixth International Summer School on Grid Computing, scheduled for 6-18 July in Hungary. The school will train approximately 40 students from 20 countries in the ways of grid computing-a technology that helps scientists tackle complex problems by combining the power of computers around the world to create a powerful, shared computing resource. In the spirit of shared resources, the school has made all of its teaching materials available to the public via the ICEAGE digital library. Further, the school has invited a team of GridCast bloggers to blog live from behind the scenes, ensuring that the excitement of the school is also shared with those learning from home. "My experience at ISSGC'07 was profoundly worthwhile and eye opening," says past student Andrew. Fellow alumni Sandra agrees: "I highly recommend this to everybody who is working or starts to work in the area of grid computing," she says. "The talks are outstanding and the organisation and technical infrastructure supports the students perfectly." Those interested in following the blog or accessing teaching materials should go to its Web site. More information: International Summer School on Grid Computing '08 its Web site.