University of Houston Researchers Bring Data to Life

Texas Learning & Computation Center is Computing, Visualization Resource for Interdisciplinary Studies, University and Community Collaboration: To advance its mission of fostering and supporting collaborative interdisciplinary research, education and training, the Texas Learning & Computation Center (TLC2) contracted with Mechdyne Corporation to design and build a 34-seat visualization theatre with 8 Megapixel (MP) stereographic projection. The new theater provides all of the academic departments of the University of Houston, as well as partners from the community and industry, with the ability to collaboratively view and work with complex data and computer generated imagery. "While our first generation visualization laboratory was set up as a working space for individuals or small groups, the new theater is designed to provide unique capability for both researchers and developers of rich graphics imagery to share data and images" said Erick Engquist, Manager of the Visualization Laboratory. "In addition to the traditional fields that utilize computer visualization, such as medical imaging, molecular dynamics and geophysical sciences, the theater will enable faculty and students in our schools of architecture and fine arts to share their work in new and exciting ways." Located in the TLC2 facility on the University of Houston campus, the new theater provides state-of-the-art large-scale immersive visualization capability based on Mechdyne’s Beacon stereographic projection technology. The PowerWall 4K-S system includes two theater-quality Sony SXRD digital projectors each with a resolution of 4096 x 2160. Mechdyne’s patented Beacon technology electronically shutters the two projectors to generate distinct left and right eye viewpoints, which are perceived as active stereoscopic images on an impressive 9 x 18.5 ft screen. Beacon is the only technology that can create high quality active stereo with these ultra-high resolution projectors. To make the imagery even more realistic, a real-time motion tracking system enables users to move freely in front of the screen and interact with the virtual images as if they were real objects. The display is driven by a 4-node PC cluster.
Mechdyne hosted the first in a series of open house demonstrations at the Visualization Laboratory on April 30 and May 1. Founded in 1999, the TLC2 is the University of Houston’s hub for advanced computing resources, providing computing and communications infrastructure for campus and community collaboration. TLC2 also is the lead organization for the Research and Education Network of Houston (RENoH), a fiber optic network supporting collaboration between the University of Houston, Rice University, Baylor College of Medicine and the Texas Medical Center.