TeraGrid'08 offers extensive tutorial program -- Register now!

The third annual TeraGrid conference, TeraGrid'08, will include tutorials of interest to a wide variety of attendees. The tutorial program offers intensive introductions into the major resources and technologies for conducting computational research on the TeraGrid. The tutorial program will be held Monday, June 9, at the beginning of the TG08 conference. The TeraGrid, sponsored by the National Science Foundation Office of Cyberinfrastructure, is a partnership of people, resources and services that enables discovery in U.S. science and engineering. Through coordinated policy, grid software, and high-performance network connections, the TeraGrid integrates a distributed set of high-capability computational, data-management and visualization resources to make research more productive. With Science Gateway collaborations and education programs, the TeraGrid also connects and broadens scientific communities. Register by May 16 to receive early registration discounts for the tutorial program and the overall conference: www.tacc.utexas.edu/tg08/index.php?m_b_c=registration. Most of the tutorials are a half-day with offerings in the morning and in the afternoon. There are tutorials for attendees who are new to the TeraGrid, for educators at the high school and college level, for people interested in Science Gateways, and for advanced users. An educator who is interested in receiving an overview of classroom technologies can take the "Developing Cyberinfrastructure Curriculum Content" tutorial in the morning and the "Science Gateways on Parade" tutorial in the afternoon, while a researcher interested in maximizing their use of the TeraGrid could take the "Workflow Tools for the TeraGrid" tutorial in the morning and the "Metascheduling and Co-Scheduling" tutorial in the afternoon. The TeraGrid'08 tutorial program includes the following tutorials, each presented by one or more leading experts on the topic:
  • Introduction to Parallel Computing on the TeraGrid: Introduces grid computing and the use of parallel computing with MPI and OpenMPthe two primary means by which parallel computers are programmed. (If you want to learn everything you can about the TeraGrid in one week this is the best way to start the conference).
  • Building Science Gateways: A hands-on introduction to the creation of Science Gateways. Participants will create a simple Science Gateway.
  • Science Gateways on Parade: Science Gateways are web-based tools that provide an intuitive means to use the TeraGrid and other advanced cyberinfrastructure. This tutorial features a series of short presentations on the most widely used and advanced Science Gateways on the TeraGrid, including discussions on nanotechnology, chemistry and weather prediction.
  • Data Management and Data Collections: Provides information about moving and managing data within the
  • TeraGrid, including how researchers can use the TeraGrid as a platform for hosting their own data collections.
  • Terascale Remote and Collaborative Visualization: Features advanced graphics tools available via the TeraGrid, which include powerful scientific visualization technologies as well as remote rendering tools useful in undergraduate education.
  • Workflow Tools for the TeraGrid: Features information on two workflow toolsPegasus and DAGManand describes how they are used to automate workflows across the TeraGrid.
  • Metascheduling and Co-Scheduling on the TeraGrid: Features technologies for the coordinated use of multiple resources on the TeraGrid.
  • Developing Cyberinfrastructure Curriculum Content: Introduces the tutorial materials available from HPC University in curriculum development at the high school and college levels.
  • Using FPGAs for Scientific Computing: One of the novel technologies available on the TeraGrid is a facility for use of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This tutorial introduces these powerful and interesting computational resources.

For more on the TG08 conference, please visit its Web site.