New 'Adria' Supercomputer Among 250 Most Powerful in the World

Advancing development of hydropower as a green alternative to traditional energy sources, world-renowned hydro-energy research organisation Turboinštitut has turned to IBM to deliver the most powerful supercomputer in South East Europe. Named 'Adria' and based at the newly-established Ljubljana Supercomputing Center in Slovenia, the Linux-based system will be used by Turboinštitut to carry out complex water turbine design simulations in fractions of existing timescales. Performing calculations 50 times faster than current systems, Adria will reduce time-to-result from weeks to hours. "By applying our supercomputer expertise and industry leadership, IBM will be fundamental to advances in Turboinštitut's hydro energy development programmes," said Biljana Weber, Country General Manager, IBM Slovenia. "IBM is increasingly mobilising its research, technology and insight to help clients worldwide address complex energy and environmental challenges." The system will be instrumental in accelerating Turboinštitut's hydro-power research and development programme, encouraging energy companies worldwide to introduce the energy source as an environmentally friendly alternative. "We selected IBM because of their expertise and flexibility. They quickly provided reference architecture and actively worked with our experts on specific areas of supercomputing architecture. IBM put in place a local team who will bring Adria to life and also ensured the financing of the investment," explained Dr. Vladimir Kercan, Executive Director, Turboinštitut. The 2.048-core system uses 256 IBM BladeCenter servers, each carrying two quad-core processors with 4100 GB of RAM, and is expected to become one of the world's fastest Linux clusters (based on 'Adria' utilises the latest IBM solutions that reduce its own energy consumption. The installation will be performed by IBM Slovenia and business partner SIMT. For more information about IBM Slovenia, visit