SIMtone Corporation Announces Support for the Microsoft NXT Initiative

SIMtone’s ASPEED Adds Support for Microsoft HPC Platform: SIMtone Corporation’s High Performance Computing division, formerly ASPEED Software, today announced support for Microsoft Windows HPC Server 2008 to provide accelerated benefits now to developers and users for High Performance Computing (HPC). Historically multi-core has not taken hold based for several reasons. With the NXT Initiative and the HPC teams at Microsoft Corp., ASPEED will dramatically bring to market quicker cost effective solutions to address the pent up demand for parallel computing on the cost-effective Microsoft platforms. “Historically parallel computing as a basis for new programs, hasn’t taken hold partially because the 100 billion lines of single thread code that are running our businesses today can’t stop, wait for the retooling and integrate,” said Kurt Ziegler, Executive Vice President of SIMtone High Performance Computing division. “We know that with contemporary platform solutions from Microsoft and ASPEED, the legacy solutions can be made multi-core ready now without being re-written.” The NXT initiative enables ASPEED to have faster access to technology to make smart development and business decisions to meet the needs of existing and new target market customers. The benefits to customers enable them to move custom and standard applications into parallel processing benefits on Microsoft’s platforms which include:
  • Windows HPC Server 2008
  • The Microsoft Office system (Versions 2000, 2003 and 2007)
  • .NET Framework-enabled applications including Microsoft Visual Studio tools

With Microsoft the total cost of ownership for HPC solutions can be demonstrated to be lower than other models in the industry. With ASPEED and Microsoft, the legacy applications can now be more competitive and life elongated to further enhance a company’s competitive position and return on investment.