John Gustafson joins Massively Parallel Technologies' Board of Directors

Massively Parallel Technologies (MPT) has announced that John Gustafson, Ph.D. has joined its Board of Directors, pending shareholder vote. Dr. Gustafson has been directly involved in developing MPT’s recently revised product roadmap. He is a well-known luminary in the field of High Performance Computing, having introduced the first commercial cluster system in 1985 and the first demonstration of scalable performance on real applications in 1988, for which he won the inaugural Gordon Bell Award. He is the recipient of the IEEE Computer Society’s 2007 Golden Core Award, famed re-builder of the Atanasoff-Berry computer system in 2004, and inventor of Gustafson’s Law of parallel computing (sometimes called “weak scaling”). An honors graduate of Caltech and Iowa State University, Dr. Gustafson is currently the CTO at ClearSpeed Technology and was formerly Principal Engineer, Scientist and Senior Manager at Sun Labs, a computational scientist at Ames Laboratory, a member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories, and an engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.