NVIDIA Launches New Community Site for HPC Developers

Further strengthening its commitment to the growing community behind its Tesla family of GPU Computing products and CUDA software development tools, NVIDIA has launched CUDAZone, a community resource dedicated to HPC developers working with GPUs. CUDA is the world’s only C language environment for the GPU and since its launch in February 2007, it has helped engineers, scientists, geophysicists and others discover new ways to process the vast amounts of data required by their work and deliver speed ups anywhere from 45-400X. CUDAZone will be the global meeting point for professionals, academics and anyone wanting to know more about CUDA and Tesla. The site will feature white papers on programming techniques, customer spotlights, forums in which to post projects and discuss methodologies, downloads of the CUDA tools, code samples, news and events and much more. “The support we have received for CUDA from the HPC community since its launch has been phenomenal – every day we receive emails from users who have had their workflow transformed with speed increases that they never thought were possible,” said Andy Keane, general manager of the GPU Computing business at NVIDIA. “CUDAZone will act as a focal point for all this work and will provide our users with a place where the latest information, downloads and updates can be found under one roof.” Please visit www.nvidia.com/cuda for more information and to download the CUDA SDK and tools.