Scali announces first SPEC MPI2007 benchmark results for Windows

Continues leadership in delivering quad-core benchmarks across multiple platforms. Scali has announced that the Standard Performance Evaluation Corp. (SPEC) has published new benchmark results provided by Scali using the SPEC MPI2007 benchmark suite on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system. These are the first SPEC benchmarks released on a Windows-based platform that measure MPI-parallel, floating point, and compute intensive performance and demonstrate the viability of Windows-based solutions for high performance computing applications. The benchmark was performed on a single node, Intel x86_64 based system. The quad-core Dell PowerEdge 1955 system was tested using Scali MPI Connect v5.5. Scali is the first vendor to release SPEC MPI2007 benchmarks for quad-core systems and the first to release both Linux and Windows based results. Scali also has the two highest per node SPEC MPI2007 results on x86_64 based systems as of this release date. "With the advent of multi-core systems, single workstations are quickly becoming a powerful and cost-effective alternative for running many HPC applications" said Håkon Bugge, CTO of Scali. "While Linux remains the clear leader in clustered computing, Windows is establishing itself not simply as a viable alternative for single-node deployments, but rather as the driving force in that segment". Scali MPI Connect Scali MPI Connect is a fully integrated message passing interface (MPI) solution, designed to enable applications to run at maximum performance through its unique, high performance MPI implementation. With Scali MPI Connect, application developers can take advantage of leading interconnect and multi-core technologies to build high performance clusters. Scali MPI Connect supports a wider range of customer environments while lowering the number of binaries required, and delivers superior application performance. SPEC MPI2007 SPEC MPI2007 is SPEC's benchmark suite for evaluating MPI-parallel, floating point, and compute intensive performance across a wide range of cluster and SMP hardware. MPI2007 continues the SPEC tradition of giving HPC users the most objective and representative benchmark suite for measuring the performance of SMP (shared memory multi-processor) systems. SPEC reviews and publishes submitted results on their website at: