The 9th LCI International Conference on High-Performance Computing

  • April 29 – May 1, 2008
  • April 28, 2008 Tutorials
  • National Center for Supercomputing Applications
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Urbana Illinois, USA
CALL FOR PAPERS, TECHNICAL PRESENTATIONS AND TUTORIALS DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: PAPERS — Thursday, December 13, 2007 TUTORIALS — Monday, January 14, 2008 TECHNICAL PRESENTATIONS — Friday, January 18, 2008 TECHNICAL BRIEFS — Friday, March 14, 2008 POSTERS — Monday, January 28, 2008 The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) is hosting the 9th LCI International Conference on High-performance Clustered Computing. This year's gathering will focus on the technical challenges facing the clustered computing community as we move into the petascale era. We will examine the promise of new technologies such as multi-core processors, acceleration coprocessors, advanced interconnects and high-performance I/O solutions. We will also explore the potential scaling and performance modifications necessary for systems, data and applications to achieve petascale class performance. It will feature experts discussing the state-of-the-art in various aspects of clustered computing including developing the hardware, software environments and applications to reach toward the petascale with a focus on the near-term activities taking this community along that path. This year, vendor participation will highlight the contribution of various companies to the rapidly expanding field of clustered computing. This conference is the premier international forum to share information on management, administration, and scientific computing techniques on clusters. This 4-day event, including conference and tutorials, will feature a broad range of presentations and papers from HPC and large-scale cluster computing professionals in industry, academia, and government. Speakers will address efforts to integrate and develop science and engineering applications for large-scale clusters, to achieve maximum performance and scalability. The technical program will include both peer-reviewed paper presentations and discipline- and industry-specific sessions offering researchers and industry leaders the opportunity to present their experiences with applications, tools, user environments, and administration of large-scale clusters. Presentations from industry are specifically invited. The conference program committee is soliciting novel papers, insightful technical presentations and practical tutorials on a broad range of topics related to systems integration, operation and support, end user applications, tools, education and experiences. The conference divides sessions into "Introductory", "Intermediate", and "Advanced" content to best cater to the breadth of experience of attendees and encourages submissions in all three of these areas. It also features a session on education topics such as the teaching of clustered computing and undergraduate and graduate programs that feature clustered computing. Educators are encouraged to submit papers detailing unique course-level and programmatic-level teaching efforts that they have instituted around growing needs for clustered computing competent graduates. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
  • Multi-Core Processors
  • Acceleration Coprocessors
  • Advanced Interconnects
  • High-Performance I/O Solutions
  • Unique Methods and Programs for Teaching
  • Clustered Computing Concepts
  • Development and Use of Highly Parallel Applications
  • Porting Experiences
  • User Environments
  • Performance Evaluation, Analysis, and Optimization
  • High-Performance Applications and Libraries
  • Performance Tools
  • Compilers
  • Clusters and Education
  • Production Management of HPC Linux Clusters
  • Clusters in Data Centers
  • New Experimental and Commercial Clusters
  • Clusters in Heterogeneous HPC Environments
  • System Management and Administration
  • Resource Management
  • Tools for Building and Administering Clusters
  • Scheduling and Load Balancing
  • Parallel I/O, File Systems, and Storage
  • Networks, Interconnects, and Protocols
  • Security
  • Linux Kernel Modifications or Extensions
  • Meta- and Grid-Computing
  • Middleware for Clusters
  • Infrastructure: Space, Power, Cooling
  • Scalability
  • Other OS Strategies in Contrast to Linux
  • Visualization

KEY DATES Papers (refereed) Paper submission deadline: Thursday, December 13, 2007 Author notification: Friday, February 15, 2008 Final paper submission deadline: Monday, March 17, 2008 Tutorials (half day or full day) Tutorial submission deadline: Monday, January 14, 2008 Presenter notification: Friday, February 15, 2008 Final tutorial materials deadline: Monday, April 7, 200 Technical Presentations (abstract only, not refereed) Presentation submission deadline: Friday, January 18, 2008 Presenter notification: Friday, February 8, 2008 Final presentation materials deadline: Monday, April 21, 2008 Technical Briefs (10- to 15-minute presentations on emerging issues) Brief submission deadline: Friday, March 14, 2008 Brief notification: Monday, April 7, 2008 Posters (not refereed) Poster submission deadline: Monday, January 28, 2008 Poster notification: Monday, February 18, 2008 For detailed information on submitting papers, presentations, tutorials or briefs, please see the conference web site at: Proposed papers will be selected on the basis of an extended abstract of 5 to 8 pages. Tutorials can come from a variety of areas but should provide practical information and/or training for the cluster community. Those interested in submitting tutorials for consideration should submit a 5- to 6-page abstract. Those interested in technical presentations for consideration should submit a 2- to 3-page abstract. For detailed information on submitting papers, presentations or tutorials, please see the conference web site at: STEERING COMMITTEE

  • Luiz DeRose — Cray Inc.
  • Patricia Kovatch — SDSC
  • Henry Neeman — University of Oklahoma
  • Mike Pflugmacher — NCSA/UIUC
  • John Towns — NCSA/UIUC
  • Erik Scott — Shell Oil
  • Dan Stanzione — Arizona State University
  • Henry Tufo — Univ. Colorado at Boulder & NCAR


  • Amy Apon, UAK, USA
  • Bob Ballance, SNL, USA
  • Pete Beckman, ANL, USA
  • Ron Brightwell, SNL, USA
  • Giri Chukkapalli, Sun, USA
  • Stefano Cozzini, INFM, Sissa, Italy
  • Jose C. Cunha, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Cesar De Rose, CPAD, PUCRS/HP, Brazil
  • Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, USA
  • Patrick Geoffray, Myricom, Inc., USA
  • Brent Gorda, LLNL, USA
  • Paul Gray, University of Northern Iowa, USA
  • David Joiner, Kean University, USA
  • Terry Jones - LLNL, USA
  • Karen Karavanic, Portland State Univ., USA
  • Werner Krotz-Vogel, Intel, Germany
  • Rick Kufrin, NCSA/UIUC, USA
  • James H. Laros III, SNL, USA
  • Scott Lathrop, ANL, USA
  • Box Leangsuksun, Louisiana Tech, USA
  • Brent Leback, PGI, USA
  • Kuan-Ching Li, Providence University, Taiwan
  • John Michalakes, NCAR, USA
  • Bernd Mohr, Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany
  • Shirley Moore, University of Tennessee, USA
  • Tom Murphy, Contra Costa College, USA
  • Wolfgang Nagel, Dresden U. of Technology, Germany
  • Jean-Paul Navarro, ANL, USA
  • Jarek Nieplocha, PNNL, USA
  • Charlie Peck, Earlham College, USA
  • Christoph Pospiech, IBM, Germany
  • Philip C. Roth, ORNL, USA
  • John Shalf, LBNL, USA
  • David Skinner, NERSC, USA
  • Nils Smeds, IBM, Sweden
  • John Taylor, Streamline-Computing, UK
  • Patricia Teller, UTEP, USA
  • Timothy Thomas, UNM, USA
  • Jim Tuccillo, Linux Networx, USA
  • Patrick H. Worley, ORNL, USA