CPDA Releases White Paper on Major Paradigm Shift to Resolve CAE Data Challenges

'MSC.Software Scores with a Major and Dramatic Step Forward in Extending the Vision for a Design/Simulation Framework,' - Collaborative Product Development Associates: MSC.Software, the leading global provider of enterprise simulation solutions including simulation software and services, announced the release of a white paper by Collaborative Product Development Associates (CPDA) entitled "Simulation Data and Process Management with SimManager." The paper, drawing heavily on customer interviews, states that "traditional organizational approaches and tools no longer support the fidelity and response time needed to drive down product development cycle times." MSC.SimManager is an enterprise-level software product that allows global businesses to leverage their engineering processes throughout the enterprise to greatly speed design and development. Providing functionality that allows organizations to efficiently create, manage and re-use simulation data, the product enables companies to control, share and extend engineering data and the processes related to their products both internally and externally into the supply chain. Using SimManager, companies can easily maximize their most critical intellectual property, including simulation processes, by capturing knowledge siloed throughout the enterprise, analyzing and automating processes, and making it available throughout the supply chain. "At their annual user conference in July, MSC.Software presented a bold and comprehensive vision for a design/simulation framework," said Don Brown, chairman, CPDA. "In checking with several customers involved with implementing the framework, the company has progressed further and faster with actual implementations than expected." The customers interviewed for this white paper included a global supplier of integrated fuel storage and delivery systems for cars and trucks whose cycle time for analysis went from "two weeks to four days" using SimManager. By allowing simulation earlier on in the design process, changes can be implemented earlier, allowing optimization and right to market. Other customers interviewed including a major European aerospace group as well as a European luxury automotive manufacturer. "MSC recognized that existing PDM and PLM based application approaches to managing simulation would not be able to handle enterprise simulation needs," said Bill Weyand, chief executive officer, MSC.Software. "SimManager, a foundation of SimEnterprise, addresses these challenges and provides companies with the ability to optimize current employee resources and reduce training and recruitment challenges, thereby improving their ability to innovate." To view this white paper in its entirety, visit: its Web site. For more information on SimManager and SimEnterprise, visit: its Web site.