Sandia enters into agreement with The Aerospace Corporation

As part of an agreement to identify opportunities for interactive research and development in a broad range of scientific areas, Sandia and The Aerospace Corporation recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU). The MOU calls for interaction in space microelectronics and component technologies, sensor and instrument systems, spacecraft technologies, systems technologies, information technologies, and space simulation and modeling tools. "Sandia and Aerospace share significant interest in developing advanced technologies for end applications and capabilities that ultimately benefit the nation," says Al Romig, Sandia Deputy Director for Integrated Technologies and Systems. "This agreement establishes a strong relationship between Sandia and Aerospace." The MOU calls for Sandia to identify uses of its hypervelocity impact modeling capability and its possible use for intercept debris characterization. Aerospace will provide space architecture systems engineering support to Sandia demonstration activities. Mike Drennan, The Aerospace Corporation’s vice president for Space Operations, Requirements, and Technology, says he is pleased to be able to have a more formal relationship with Sandia. "We see great prospects for this relationship to bloom as we have already identified a number of areas of mutual interest where each organization brings a very special expertise to help with national security space activities and challenges," he says. "Aerospace looks forward to a long and productive relationship." Sandia and Aerospace will exchange personnel and share new expertise and seasoned experience on research and development efforts of the two parties. The Aerospace Corporation is an independent, nonprofit company that provides objective technical analyses and assessments for national security space programs and selected civil and commercial space programs in the national interest.