International Affiliates Visit NCSA to Discuss Collaborative Projects

Representatives from NCSA's international affiliate institutions in Brazil, Costa Rica, India, Korea, South Africa and Taiwan will visit the center June 6 to 8 to discuss potential collaborative projects. NCSA's International Affiliates Program promotes relationships with organizations outside the United States that share the center's interests in high-performance computing, networking, and storage; visualization and data analysis; virtual organizations and cyberenvironments; education and training for the next-generation of researchers; and other computing and information technology topics. The program provides opportunities for sharing information, joint initiatives, and staff exchanges. During the upcoming visit, members of NCSA's Cyberenvironments and Technologies Directorate, affiliate representatives, and other NCSA staff will discuss the research vision, existing tools and technologies that are in development, and potential collaborative projects and funding opportunities in the environmental and geosciences and earthquake engineering. For more information on NCSA International and Campus Relations (ICARE) efforts, see its Web site or contact ICARE director Radha Nandkumar, or (217) 244-0650.