ISC '07 Offers Visitor Passes to Europe's Most Prestigious Supercomputing Event

The 2007 International Supercomputing Conference (ISC '07) will offer two types of visitor passes, giving the public the chance to view Europe's largest exhibition of innovations in supercomputing, advanced networking, and data, visualization and storage technologies. ISC '07, Europe's premier supercomputing event, takes place June 26 – 29 at the Congress Center in Dresden under the theme "Exploring the Frontiers of Supercomputing." As many as 90 exhibitors representing industry, universities and research centers from Europe, Asia and North America are expected to attend, an all-time record for the conference. The ISC '07 Visitor Pass 1 costs 125 Euros and gives visitors access to the exhibition opening party on Tuesday evening, June 26, the exhibit hall on Tuesday evening and all day Wednesday, June 27, the Wednesday evening ISC "Get Together Party," and Poster Sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Visitor Pass 2, which also costs 125 Euros, gives visitors access to events on Thursday, June 28, including exhibits, Poster Sessions, the Exhibitor Forum and the popular "Hot Seat" sessions featuring short presentations from supercomputing innovators followed by several in-depth questions from a panel of experts. The Visitor Pass 2 also provides access to Thursday night's Microsoft Saxon Night at Castle Albrechtsberg. Passes can be purchased in advance online at . Passes may also be purchased on site at the registration desk in the Dresden Congress Center. "For anyone interested in getting a glimpse at what this conference is all about and what the world's leading supercomputing vendors and researchers have to offer, the Visitor Pass is a great opportunity," said Conference Chair Prof. Hans Werner Meuer of the University of Mannheim. "Last year, we increased the number of exhibitors by more than 50 percent, and this year, we expect to go well beyond that. The scope of what will be on display goes beyond any supercomputing exhibition ever held in Europe." For more on ISC '07 exhibits please see www.isc07/exhibition. For more on Hot Seat Sessions and Poster Sessions, please see the conference program section of the ISC '07 website at www.isc07/program.