SGI Named a Prime Contract Holder for Seven-Year NASA Purchasing Program

Company Continues To Supply NASA and Other U.S. Agencies Via Major Procurement Program To Run Through 2014: SGI today announced that the company has again been named a prime contract holder for the latest U.S. Government IT purchasing program administered by NASA. Under the seven-year NASA Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) IV Program, every product SGI sells is available to NASA and other U.S. Government agencies at prices published on the SEWP IV schedule. The purchasing program represents total procurements that could reach as much as $5.6 billion through April of 2014. The program involves 37 Competed Prime Contract Holders offering a wide range of IT products. SGI expects to participate in this program as it has in the past as a supplier of SGI Altix servers, InfiniteStorage solutions and associated services. SGI is only Contract Holder to win a Class 4, High-Performance Compute Servers, contract. With its history of leadership in high-performance computing (HPC) and storage solutions, SGI is a longtime prime contract holder in NASA's SEWP program. Under previous SEWP contracts, SGI has delivered HPC solutions to NASA Ames Research Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Kennedy Space Center, NASA's Langley Research Center, and other government facilities. SGI also provides solutions via the U.S. General Services Administration schedule. In addition to sales via major procurement programs, SGI also supplies America's government agencies with strategic solutions that are funded for specific programs. For instance, the purchase of NASA's groundbreaking Columbia supercomputer, built from SGI Altix systems and SGI InfiniteStorage solutions was deployed in fewer than 120 days. NASA's Columbia system is widely considered to be one of the most productive U.S. Government supercomputers with more than 100 million hours of use in two years. "SGI is proud to once again qualify as a prime contract holder for the NASA SEWP procurement program," said Harry Fuchigami, president, SGI Federal, Inc. "Through close collaboration with NASA and other federal agencies, SGI has enabled game-changing breakthroughs that help American researchers investigate the mysteries of space, understand the impact of climate change, discover new and safe sources of sustainable energy, and protect U.S. citizens from domestic and foreign enemies. Via SEWP and other procurement channels, we look forward to continuing that collaboration." Also awarded a NASA SEWP contract in Category A, Computer Systems, was SGI's exclusive higher education reseller, James River Technical, Inc. "We are pleased to be one of the contractors in partnership with SGI," said Tom Mountcastle, president, James River Technical, Inc. "Between the two companies, it is our goal to serve a wider breadth of civilian and DOD agencies with an SGI expanded range of solutions. The SEWP procurement vehicle has grown in popularity and we believe it will prove to be a valuable contract over the next seven years."