TotalView Technologies Partners With Italy’s CINECA Supercomputing Center

Advanced TotalView Debugger Will Enable Developers to Accelerate the Application Development Process in Linux Cluster Environments: TotalView Technologies, the world's leading provider of debugging and analysis software solutions for the multi-core age, announced today that the company has partnered with CINECA on the HPC-Europa Project. The major elements of this partnership include:
  • The scalable TotalView debugger software will be available on CINECA high-performance computing (HPC) systems, with a license scaling up to 1000 cores;
  • TotalView Technologies will provide seminars at CINECA on the topic of debugging multi-core applications;
  • TotalView Technologies will provide classroom assistance for selected HPC courses including manuals, documentation, teaching licenses for attendees, etc.; and
  • CINECA will sit on the TotalView Technologies Technical Advisory Board, providing input on product capabilities and direction.

Developers, researchers and students using CINECA’s powerful Linux cluster will now be able to complete their projects faster by taking advantage of these new educational opportunities and TotalView’s advanced debugging capabilities. CINECA, the high technology bridge between the academic world, research and the world of industry and public administration, is a non-profit Interuniversity Consortium made up of 28 Italian universities, the CNR (National Research Council) and the Ministry of University and Research. It is the largest Italian computing center and one of the most important worldwide. With more than 350 employees, it operates in the technological transfer sector through high-performance scientific computing, the management and development of networks and web based services, and the development of complex information systems for treating large amounts of data. CINECA is leading the HPC-Europa Project funded by the European community, and as a result of the partnership, researchers using the CINECA HPC systems within the HPC-Europa project will be able to take advantage of TotalView’s advanced debugging capabilities. HPC-Europa is a consortium of six leading HPC infrastructures - CINECA (Bologna), BSC (Barcelona), EPCC (Edinburgh), HLRS (Stuttgart), IDRIS (Paris) and SARA (Amsterdam) - aiming at the integrated provision of access to HPC systems and scientific cooperation to the European research community working at the forefront of science, allowing European researchers to remain competitive with leading research teams worldwide. “We are pleased to partner with TotalView Technologies to offer its robust debugging capabilities to developers who are working in increasingly complex computing environments,” said Dr. Giovanni Erbacci, coordinator of the Supercomputing Group in CINECA’s Systems and Technologies Department. “We are confident that TotalView will not only help improve application development times, but will also have a major impact on application quality.” “One of our main goals at TotalView Technologies is to continually advance state-of-the-art scaleable debugging technology for the industry,” said Rich Collier, CEO of TotalView Technologies. “Partnering with some of the world’s leading supercomputing centers is tremendously important to this effort. We are very pleased to collaborate with CINECA and the HPC-Europa project to provide TotalView’s powerful debugging capabilities.” The TotalView debugger is the result of more than 20 years of experience in working with developers of the most complex and demanding applications on the largest supercomputing systems. As the market leader in C/C++, Fortran, UPC, MPI/Open MP and parallel programming capabilities, TotalView’s advanced features, including a single view of the complete application; parallel process acquisition and control; advanced breakpoints and watchpoints; flexible display capabilities; and ability to test fixes on the fly, enable programmers and developers to shorten the development cycle for getting multi-core applications to market. In a related announcement earlier this month, TotalView Technologies introduced the TotalView Multi-Core Debugging Framework, which defines the five core debugging technologies (source code, memory, performance, data-centric and active web) required for the next generation of multi-threaded, multi-process programs, along with a set of robust products to meet these requirements.