Still time to submit papers, posters for RSSI'07

Scientists and technology developers for academia and industry have until May 1 to submit full-length papers and posters for the third annual Reconfigurable Systems Summer Institute, to be held July 18-20 in Urbana, Illinois. RSSI'07 provides a forum to present and discuss new research on the use of field-programmable gate array technologies for high-performance reconfigurable computing (HPRC). Accepted full-length papers (up to 10 pages) will be presented during the technical program; short papers (up to 2 pages) will be presented during the poster session. The best papers presented at RSSI'07 will be considered for inclusion in a special issue of the journal Parallel Computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 1. Architecture of HPRC devices and systems 2. Languages, compilation techniques, and tools for HPRC 3. Libraries and run-time environments for HPRC 4. Performance modeling/prediction and benchmarks for HPRC 5. Algorithms, methodology, and best practices in application development for HPRC 6. Applications of HPRC in science and engineering 7. Trends and the latest developments in HPRC Submissions should be sent to by May 1; authors will be notified of acceptance by June 1. Detailed paper formatting instructions are available at the event's website: Registration for RSSI'07 will begin soon; watch for more information. RSSI'07 is organized by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), OpenFPGA, and the University of Manchester. Corporate sponsors include: Altera, AMD, Cray, Mitrionics, Nallatech, SGI, SRC, and Xilinx. Questions? Contact