Allinea Software Announces Enhanced Version of Its Distributed Debugging Tool

Allinea Software, an innovative tools company based in Warwick (UK), today announced the launch of DDT 2.0. The latest version of its popular Distributed Debugging Tool offers a number of new features and improvements, many of which are aimed specifically at programmers of today’s multi-core processors. These include the ability to control individual threads, to examine and compare data across threads, and to visualize the execution of different threads within single or multiple processes. DDT 2.0 enhancements are relevant to the full variety of threading models, including OpenMP, pthreads and hybrid multi-threaded / MPI programming. Dr David Lecomber, CTO of Allinea software, stated, "Developing software to take advantage of multi-core processors is a complex task which will affect every developer. There is a need for powerful tools to tackle the large range of problems not seen in single-threaded applications." DDT is recognized as the industry's leading tool for debugging parallel applications and Allinea Software is now able to give developers of multi-threaded applications the full advantages of their intuitive, yet highly capable debugger. DDT's graphical interface is widely acclaimed for its ease-of-use and its ability to control and monitor the state of the processes within a parallel job, with scalability to large numbers of simultaneous processes. Dr Lecomber went on to say, "We have also extended our memory debugging capabilities to detect instantly when a program reads or writes outside an allocated area. Our users told us that these kinds of memory errors were their biggest source of problems and that it was vital to have automatic capabilities to find these bugs. This capability is now built within DDT itself and is relevant to all kinds of applications: single, multi-threaded or parallel. This will save developers the frustration of wasting hours in fault-finding." DDT is compatible with Aix, Linux and Solaris operating systems, on X86, X86-64, IA64, Power and UltraSPARC processors. It is also compatible with third-party compilers from Absoft, IBM, Intel, Pathscale, the Portland Group, Sun and the GNU compiler suite, as well as all known MPI distributions. Allinea Software will be exhibiting at the 8th LCI International Conference in South Lake Tahoe, California, USA from May 14 -17, 2007, HPCS from May 13-16, 2007 Supercomputing Conference (SC2007) in Nevada, USA from November 10 -16, 2007.