Linux Networx Names Bobbi Hazard Senior Vice President, Sales and Channels

Former Dell, Sun Microsystems and Cray Research Executive to Drive Growth in Industrial and Government Supercomputing Markets: Linux Networx, The Linux Supercomputing company, today announced that it has named high-performance computing (HPC) industry veteran Bobbi Hazard as its new senior vice president (SVP), sales and channels. Ms. Hazard, a 25-year technology industry veteran, has held senior sales and marketing positions at Dell, Sun Microsystems and Cray Research. A proven sales executive with both HPC and broader IT industry experience, Ms. Hazard will drive continued growth in the industrial and government markets and will focus on expanding the company's channel program. "Over the past year Linux Networx has grown rapidly by focusing on delivering production-ready systems that deliver unmatched price/performance value to industrial and government customers," said Jack Kenney, CEO of Linux Networx. "Bobbi has a unique combination of HPC and traditional computer industry experience. This makes her the ideal person to spearhead the expansion of our sales and channel efforts to support our focus on delivering standard HPC systems to production environments." One of Ms. Hazard's primary responsibilities will be to further develop and expand the company's channel program. The channel program is designed to enable partners specializing in HPC and visualization to gain enhanced competitive advantage through Linux Networx's performance tuned, production-ready Linux Supersystems, professional services and HPC storage solutions. Ms. Hazard is also leading Linux Networx's visualization sales initiatives and is actively establishing partnerships to deploy technologies that enable customers to visualize large, complex simulations. Prior to assuming the role of SVP, Sales and Channels at Linux Networx, Ms. Hazard served as the Director of DOD and Civilian Intelligence Agencies in the Federal marketplace for Dell. Ms. Hazard came to Dell from Sun Microsystems where she was Director of Worldwide Enterprise Computing for the E10000 product line. She came to Sun through the Sun acquisition of the Cray Research Business Systems Division where she was Vice President and General Manager, responsible for the design, development, manufacturing and sales of the product for Cray. Prior to her work at Cray, she was Vice President of sales for nCube, a company that produced an MPP mini-supercomputer. "Linux Networx is rewriting the supercomputing industry rules by delivering performance tuned, production-ready clusters that leverage the advantages of open systems," said Ms. Hazard. "I am excited to spearhead continued growth in the industrial and government-production markets."