ASPEED Paving Faster Way to Grid Adoption

STREET#GRID Provides Forum for Application-Centric Message to Next-Generation Grid and Virtualization Discussion: ASPEED Software joins partners Intel Corporation, Microsoft Corp., IBM and Platform Computing – and half a dozen of the world’s largest financial services institutions – in a discussion today on speeding the time to adoption and reducing risk and costs related to hardware-centric high performance computing. At STREET#GRID, ASPEED leads the way to discussing strategies in virtualizing the huge inventory of algorithm and computationally intensive applications to overcome the challenges of adapting these programs for grid and distributed computing environments. STREET#GRID is the premier end-user focused event that brings together a “Who’s Who” in technology in the financial services industry, including representatives from JPMorgan Chase & Co, Wachovia Corporation, Morgan Stanley & Co., Bear, Stearns International Limited, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) and Deutsche Bank. The agenda will cover a wide range of topics related to the increasing reliance on high performance computing and virtualization technology in the financial services industry. The event is being held at the W Hotel, Union Square, New York, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Making Critical Business Applications Compatible with HPC’s Best and Brightest For investment banks, asset management companies, pension and hedge funds, the explosion in automated and intensive analytics-based trading is driving a quest for ways to maximize existing IT resources for increased analysis and performance. This surge is resulting in a rapid exploration of grid and virtualization technologies, to drastically reduce response times. There’s an obstacle though, as these applications were not designed to run across distributed systems. ASPEED’s application-additive technology, ACCELLERANT, is the answer. With the solutions, users can – quickly and without fear of damaging the integrity of the program – enable applications to fully leverage grid, cluster and other massively parallel HPC environments. As applications become more innovative, and play a more centralized role across enterprises, developmental code continues to become incompatible with HPC environments, requiring lengthy and costly application re-engineering just to leverage these systems. ASPEED sets the foundation for a new wave of innovators to exploit the most powerful computing environments, without any key compromises or sacrifices. “High performance technologies continue to deliver on the promise of giving organizations the fast path to some of the most powerful decisions ever,” said Kurt Ziegler, ASPEED’s evp of product development. “We’re honored to be able to demonstrate to many of Wall Street’s brightest minds how they can realize the immediate benefits – avoiding multi-million dollar diversions and re-writes with minimal, cost-effective program alterations aimed at fully leveraging these environments.”