OGF20 and EGEE User Forum

May 7 - 11, 2007, Manchester, UK:OGF20 and the 2nd EGEE User Forum will be jointly hosted by UK e- Science and the University of Manchester, and will bring together more than 800 grid enthusiasts from around the globe for one week. This combined event will further strengthen the links between EGEE and the Open Grid Forum, bringing users and standards bodies together to ensure that the future of the Grid is complemented by the establishment of key standards. The event also features a two day enterprise program that will focus on real world case studies and practical grid solutions. Click here for details. The OGF20 program features five days of engaging content including: * Keynote and Plenary Presentations by Leading Grid Luminaries * Standards Group Sessions and BoFs * Enterprise Track Featuring Requirements Alignment, Best Practices and Adoptions Sessions * e-Science Track Featuring Software Developers Sessions and Workshops * 'Grids Means Business' Industry Program Showcasing Grid Adoption Benefits * Vendor Showcase and Exhibit Hall * Demonstration and Poster Session Area * Networking and Social Activities The EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE) project provides the world’s largest production grid infrastructure for applications. The EGEE infrastructure is the home for an increasing number of diverse user communities for whom it provides both infrastructure services and a range of user support services. EGEE considers the User Forum one of the strategic events of the entire project and a key moment to relate with other initiatives and communities.