Annual US Data Center Energy Consumption: 45 Billion kWh at Cost of $3 Billion

AMD Calls for Increased Collaboration between Technology Industry and Government Officials to Track and Reduce Energy Consumption: In a keynote address at the LinuxWorld OpenSolutions Summit in New York today, Randy Allen, corporate vice president, Server and Workstation Division, AMD, revealed findings from a study that comprehensively calculated, for the first time, the energy consumed by national and global data centers annually. Addressing the need for thorough, credible estimates on data center power use, the study found that in 2005, in the U.S. alone, data centers and their associated infrastructure consumed five million kW of energy, the equivalent of five 1,000 MW power plants. As a result of the study's startling findings and to demonstrate its commitment to lead the industry to energy-efficient computing, AMD is challenging stakeholders both within and outside the industry to step-up efforts to increase energy efficiency in order to reduce energy consumption and associated costs. Supported by a grant from AMD and authored by Jonathan Koomey, Ph.D., staff scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories and consulting professor, Stanford University, the study calculates the total power used by servers both in the U.S. and around the world. The study builds on data from analyst firm IDC on the stocks and shipments of servers, as well as measured data and published estimates of the power per unit used by various server models. The study found that in 2005, total data center electricity consumption in the U.S., including servers, cooling and auxiliary equipment, was approximately 45 billion kWh, resulting in total utility bills amounting to $2.7 billion, with total data center power and electricity consumption for the world estimated to cost $7.2 billion annually. The report also examines the growth in electricity demands since the year 2000, concluding that over the last five years server energy use has doubled. "Though we have long known that data centers worldwide consume a significant amount of energy, AMD believes Dr. Koomey's findings are a wake-up call not just for the IT industry, but also for global business, government and policy leaders," explained AMD's Allen. "This study demonstrates that unchecked demand for data center energy use can constrain growth and present real business challenges. New generations of energy-efficient servers are now able to help provide IT departments with a path to reduce their energy consumption while still achieving the performance they require." In his keynote address, Allen acknowledged that ongoing work between industry leaders and governmental agencies, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), is helping to identify meaningful steps to reduce IT industry energy consumption. Citing the study's findings, Allen challenged these groups to accelerate their efforts and suggested several next steps to help bring accountability and measurement into tracking the industry's efforts, including: - Instituting an annual report on energy efficiency in U.S. data centers, to measure progress and determine new opportunities and challenges; - Developing a mechanism to enable businesses, large and small, to measure their own data center efficiency; and - Increasing alignment between government and vendor-neutral industry groups to foster the development of energy-efficient data centers for the future. "The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) applauds AMD and this latest benchmarking effort to better understand the global impact data centers have on energy consumption," said Andrew Fanara, team leader, U.S. ENERGY STAR Product Specifications, EPA. "We are looking forward to continuing our work with the IT industry to forge new, energy-efficient solutions that benefit both consumers and our global environment." Dr. Koomey's study was subject to peer review by IT industry, government and energy efficiency policy professionals. AMD plans to share the study's findings at an industry stakeholder workshop in Silicon Valley tomorrow, February 16th. Organized by the EPA, the workshop is designed to explore technical issues relating to a study mandated by the U.S. Congress and requiring the EPA, "to study and promote the use of energy-efficient computer servers in the United States." "These issues, traditionally thought of as issues reserved for a company's IT department, need to be brought directly into the board room. Our hope is that this study will not only advance this critical industry discussion and help the EPA meet its mandate, but also significantly advance AMD’s commitment to lead the industry to energy-efficient computing," said AMD’s Allen. To learn more about the study, please visit: its Web site.