The CNRS/IN2P3 (France) Is Hiring 14 Physicists, 1 Computer Scientist

Created in 1971 l'IN2P3, is a CNRS institute, which federates and promotes research in particle, nuclear and astroparticle physics. A large number of experimental programs around the world, in these disciplines are supported by the 20 laboratories, spread over France and composing the institute. New permanent, widely opened, full time research positions are now available. They are all challenging and highly competitive, offering substantial scope for leadership and career prospects its Web site. Applicants will have a PhD in high energy physics or closely related field, and a post-doctoral experience depending on the position level. Applications will be examined by the "Comité National pour la Recherche Scientifique"; this panel is in charge of the preselection of the candidates. The final selection is made by the "Jury d'admission", while the direction of the institute is responsible for assigning the positions to the laboratories. The positions are based in France although, for experimentalists, frequent trips and longer stays at the experimental sites are required. Strongly motivated candidates can find application forms, and the deadline at: its Web site. 1 Directeur de recherche de 2eme classe (DR2) This position is widely opened, both to experimentalists and theorists. For an experimentalist, the role of a DR2 is to provide strong leadership on physics analysis and/or conceptual design/construction/commissioning for high energy, or nuclear or astroparticule, physics experiments and/or accelerators; several years of experience on data analysis and/or hardware are required. For experimentalists or theorists, applicants should have demonstrated internationally recognized scientific accomplishments in the field, and leadership capabilities. As a member of a research team, a DR2 ensures a large part of the scientific direction, has a large vision of the discipline, and takes the responsibility of initiating new innovative research projects. The research program and the hosting lab will be decided together with the successful candidate, by the institute direction. Contact person: Michel Spiro ( or Philippe Quentin ( 14 chargés de recherche: 7 CR1 and 7 CR2 Applicants will have post-doctoral experience typically of more than 4 years for CR1, and more than 2 years for CR2. They should have demonstrated the capability of performing high level research. Exceptional young candidates with less experience will be also considered for CR2. Successful applicants CR1 are expected to supervise doctoral students and develop outstanding research programs. For both CR1 and CR2 candidates, their work and research skills should have received large recognition from their collaborators. They should be able to work effectively, both alone and as part of a local and an international team. As an indication, the positions are expected to be assigned to the following groups: * (03/04) One CR1 for one of ATLAS, CMS, LHCb experiments at CERN. * (03/04) One CR1 for the BaBar experiment at SLAC. * (03/04) One CR1 for the High Energy Gamma Observatory HESS in Namibia * (03/04) One CR1 not assigned and free for attribution to any nuclear or particle/astroparticle physics experiment of the institute. * (03/05) One CR1 for Accelerator Physics (high gradients). * (02/03) One CR1 for theory in nuclear physics or physics beyond the standard model. * (07/05) One CR1 for Computational Grids. * (03/06) One CR2 for LHCb experiment at CERN. * (03/06) Three CR2 for the ATLAS or CMS experiments at CERN. * (03/06) One CR2 for the ALICE experiment at CERN. * (03/06) One CR2 for the OPERA neutrino oscillation experiment in the CERN to Gran Sasso beam * (03/06) One CR2 for an astroparticle physics experiment of the institute In parenthesis is the reference number (CR1/CR2) The French groups in ATLAS ( and CMS ( are heavily involved in many areas, calorimeter, tracking, trigger and physics analysis. Successful candidates will participate to the detector commissioning, common software optimization, and reconstruction software aimed for optimum detector performance immediately after the LHC start up in 2007. In parallel, they will take an important part for the preparation of physics analyses. The groups are involved in Higgs searches, top physics, and searches for new physics. A good experience on hadrons Collider physics and/or related detector performances is valuable, but not mandatory. The program is the highest priority of the institute. Contact persons: Daniel Fournier ( ) for ATLAS and Ludwik Dobrzynski ( for CMS (CR1/CR2) The LHCb physics goal is to search for new physics through precise CP measurements for many channels in the Bd system and Bs system. The experiment is able to exploit its full physics potential at low luminosity, and is committed to producing physics at the very start of the LHC operation. The French groups in LHCb are heavily involved in many areas, calorimetry, trigger ad physics analysis. The successful applicant is expected to take an active part in the preparation of physics analyses and to participate in the detector commissioning and operation of the experiment Contact person: Elie Aslanides ( (CR2) The French groups in ALICE ( contribute to a large extent to the construction of both the muon spectrometer and the inner tracker. The ALICE physics program aims at the characterization of the new state of nuclear matter, called the Quark Gluon Plasma, predicted by QCD. The groups are mainly interested on studding hard and soft probes in A-A, p-A and p-p collisions. The successful candidates will be involved in the installation and commissioning of the detector, software developments, data taking and preparation of the analysis. Contact person: Pascal Dupieux ( (CR1) The CC-IN2P3 Computing Centre ( is providing computing resources for high energy physics, nuclear physics and particle astrophysics. CC-IN2P3 is one of the major computing nodes of an international grid infrastructure named W-LCG (Worldwide LHC Computing Grid) which is being setup to process and analyze the LHC data. CC-IN2P3 has developed an internationally recognized expertise in the operational aspects of grid computing and would like to expand its activity by starting a research program in the field of computational grids. In collaboration with Information Technology (IT) laboratories, the candidate will develop a research program at CC-IN2P3 on grid computing and management of huge amount of data. The candidate is also expected to develop and expand the already existing international collaborations on grid computing (Japan, USA...). The candidate should have leadership qualities in order to organize the IT research activity at CC-IN2P3 with the perspective of a growing research team in the future. A computer scientist is suitable for this position. Contacts person: Dominique Boutigny ( (CR1) The French BaBar group has major involvements in physics analysis and operation of the DIRC detector, the BaBar particle identification system. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to participate in the operation of the BaBar detector and in physics analyses of his/her choice. The focus of the physics analysis effort of the group is presently the determination the CKM unitarity angles, and search for physics beyond the Standard Model. Non-B physics topics are also under study, such as charm physics or precise measurements of hadronic cross sections using irradiative return events. Contact person: Anne Marie Lutz ( (CR1) The accelerator science group is involved in R&D activities on high gradient radio-frequency structures and/or low emittance electron sources. The successful candidate will participate in accelerator development with applications in the domain of medical therapy, the generation of synchrotron radiation and high energy physics. Candidates should have a sound knowledge of beam theory and previous experience with numerical simulation codes relevant to accelerators. Candidates with knowledge of radio-frequency measurement techniques and/or beam instrumentation are particularly encouraged to apply. Contact person: Terry Garvey ( (CR1) The French groups in IN2P3 laboratories are involved in a large spectrum of theoretical researches, covering nuclear physics, particle physics and particle astrophysics. Candidates with expertise in theoretical nuclear physics and physics beyond the standard model are expected. Contact persons: Philippe Quentin ( and Pierre Binetruy ( (CR1) The IN2P3 French groups are a major partner in the Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope H.E.S.S in Namibia ( they have mostly contributed to the development of the telescope cameras. The experiment H.E.S.S has recently produced an impressive array of results revolutionizing the field of High Energy Gamma Astronomy. The successful candidate must play a leading role in data taking and analysis of H.E.S.S as well as the design and construction of the H.E.S.S upgrade. Contact persons: Michael Punch ( and Pascal Vincent ( (CR2) The French groups in IN2P3 laboratories are involved in a large array of astroparticle physics experiments, including the neutrino telescope ANTARES, high energy gamma telescopes and satellites (HESS, GLAST), cosmic ray observatories (AUGER and AMS) and gravitational antennas on earth and in space (VIRGO and LISA). The successful candidate will integrate one of the above experiments. Contact person: John Carr ( (CR2) The French groups of IN2P3 laboratories are involved in the OPERA experiment operating in Gran Sasso, studying neutrino oscillations by using the CERN to Gran Sasso neutrino beam. The experiment and the neutrino beam will be completed, by the end of 2006, so the successful candidate will essentially participate to the data analysis of the experiment. Contact person: Marcos Dracos ( Although many of the positions are already tentatively pre-assigned to particular experiments, successful candidates will be able to develop their own research program after few years.