Top Researchers, Projects Honored at SC|05

Top researchers and their unprecedented accomplishments in high performance computing were recognized at the SC|05 conference this week, where the winners of the Gordon Bell Prize, the HPC Analytics Challenge, the best research papers, Bandwidth Challenge Award, and poster winners were announced. SC|05, the annual international conference for high performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis is sponsored by ACM and IEEE Computer Society. SC|05's "Gateway to Discovery" theme focuses on the future and potential of supercomputing. Every year, SC|05 offers presents awards that recognize the innovative work of conference participants and leaders in the field. The conference gives awards for Best Paper, Best Student Paper, Best Poster, and the Initiatives Challenges Awards. In addition, SC|05 serves as the venue for presenting the Gordon Bell Prizes, which reward practical uses of high-performance computers, including best performance of an application and best achievement in cost-performance. The following are this year's awards: Gordon Bell Prize: "100+ TFlop Solidification Simulations on BlueGene/L" Authors: Frederick H. Streitz, James N. Glosli, Mehul V. Patel, Bor Chan, Robert K. Yates, Bronis R. de Supinski (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), James Sexton, John A. Gunnels (IBM) Best Technical Paper Award (tie): "High Resolution Aerospace Applications using the NASA Columbia Supercomputer." Authors: Dimitri J. Mavriplis (University of Wyoming), Michael J. Aftosmis (NASA Ames Research Center), Marsha Berger (Courant Institute), "Full Electron Calculation Beyond 20,000 Atoms: Ground Electronic State of Photosynthetic Proteins" Tsutomu Ikegami, Toyokazu Ishida, Dmitri G. Fedorov, Kazuo Kitaura, Yuichi Inadomi, Hiroaki Umeda, Mitsuo Yokokawa, Satoshi Sekiguchi (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) Best Student Paper: "Programmer Productivity: A Case Study of Novice Parallel Programmers." Author: Lorin Hochstein (University of Maryland) Best Research Poster: "Ultra-Low Latency Optical Networks for Next Generation Supercomputers." Authors: Benjamin A. Small, Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur, Assaf Shacham, Keren Bergman (Columbia University); Carl Gray, Cory Hawkins, David C. Keezer, Kevin P. Martin, D. Scott Wills (Georgia Institute of Technology); Gary D. Hughes (Laboratory of Physical Science) Tri-Challenge Award: Robert L. Grossman, National Center for Data Mining HPC Analytics Challenge Award (tie): "SPICE: Simulated Pore Interactive Computing Experiment" Authors: Shantenu Jha, Peter Coveney, Matt Harvey (University College London), Stephen Pickles, Robin Pinning (University of Manchester), Peter Clarke (University of Edinburgh), Bruce Boghosian (Tufts University), Charlie Catlett (TeraGrid), Charles Laughton (Nottingham University), Rob Pennington (NCSA/TeraGrid), Sergiu Sanielevici (Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center), Jennifer Schopf (Argonne National Lab), Richard Blake (CCLRC Daresbury) "Real Time Change Detection and Alerts from Highway Traffic Data" Authors: Robert L. Grossman, Michal Sabala, Anushka Aanand, Pei Zhang, Jason Leigh, David Hanley, Peter Nelson (University of Illinois at Chicago), John Chaves, Steve Vejcik (Open Data Partners), John Dillenburg, Vince Poor (Princeton University) StorCloud Award "PNNL Computational Chemistry Simulation" Authors: Kevin Regimbal, Ryan Mooney (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Evan Felix. Bandwidth Challenge "Distributed TeraByte Particle Physics Data Sample Analysis" Authors: Julian James Bunn, Harvey Newman (Caltech), Les Cottrell (SLAC), Don Petravik, Matt Crawford (FNAL)