Mintera Providing 40 Gigabit per Second Optical Transport for SC05

Mintera Corporation, the technology leader enabling migration of optical transport to 40 Gigabits per second (Gbps) in metro-core, regional, and ultra long-haul networks was selected to provide 40 Gbps transport solutions for SCinet at the Supercomputing 2005 conference (SC05) sponsored by ACM and IEEE Computer Society. SCinet is a collection of high performance networks built to support the annual International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications. SC05 will be conducted in Seattle, WA, from November 12-18, 2005; Bill Gates, Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect, will deliver the keynote address. SCinet chair Barry Hess, Deputy CIO of Sandia National Laboratories stated, "Each year we sponsor a High-Performance Bandwidth Challenge supporting innovative and bandwidth-intensive application demonstrations that stress the SCinet network infrastructure and capacity while delivering innovative application value on OC-192 or higher links. Hess added, "Mintera's 40 Gbps system will help our infrastructure capacity exceed 500Gbps this year." SCinet is providing connectivity to many national and worldwide networks through peering relationships with different service providers. Mintera's system, is being used to multiplex four OC-192's up to 40 Gbps for transport across an existing optical line system infrastructure which was originally designed for 10 Gbps transport thus providing a significant band-width boost. "We are excited to support the SC05 Conference, working with SCinet to show the viability of Mintera's 40 Gbps technology over existing line systems", said Mintera's CEO, Terry Unter. "Mintera's 40 Gbps products offer unique adaptive technology, which allows straight forward use on a variety of existing infrastructures with little or no re-engineering. Using our product, carriers can install 40 Gbps wavelengths seamlessly, and without traffic interruption on their deployed infrastructure, helping to maximize their return on investments by providing a very significant and cost-effective service and capacity upgrade of the existing infrastructure".