Cray Presentations Will Focus On How Supercomputers Drive Breakthroughs

High-end scientific computation will take center stage at the SC/05 supercomputer conference as Cray hosts a series of talks and demonstrations focusing on how computer simulations are driving research and opening up new avenues of exploration in the physical and biological sciences. From controlling hurricanes to tracking biological contamination, the presentations will offer a wide-ranging survey of the various ways scientists and engineers are using supercomputers to expand boundaries in their fields of inquiry, along with discussions of the new high-performance computing (HPC) technologies that are making these advances possible. The SC/05 conference will take place November 12 - 18, 2005, at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle. Cray's participation at SC/05 will include: Workshop "High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) Workshop" Monday, November 14, 1:30 PM Steve Scott, Cray CTO, will participate in a workshop on DARPA's HPCS, a program focused on providing a new generation of economically viable high-productivity computing systems for national security and for the industrial user community. The workshop will provide an opportunity for the broader HPC community to see the latest results from HPCS vendors and the HPCS productivity team, and to offer feedback to the HPCS researchers. HPC Challenge Award Finalists Tuesday, November 15, 12:15 PM Nathan Wichmann, Cray HPC performance expert, will present Cray's entry in the HPC Challenge Class 2 Award competition. Cray is one of the five finalists for this award, which recognizes the best performing and most "elegant" implementation of HPC Challenge benchmarks on a supercomputer. Exhibitor Forum "HPC Visions & Trends" presented by Jeff Brooks, Cray MPP Product Manager Tuesday, November 15, 2:00 PM In the 14 years since NAS Parallel Benchmarks were introduced, the performance on Cray supercomputers has increased by three to four orders of magnitude How can HPC maintain this rate of progress over the next 14 years? This forum will review important constants, trends and improvements in supercomputing that will drive the highly scalable architectures of tomorrow. Booth Presentations Cray Booth #1618 Tuesday, November 15 through Thursday, November 17 "Sandia Red Storm Update" by Bill Camp, Sandia National Laboratories "National Leadership Computing Facility" by Jeff Nichols, Oak Ridge National Laboratory "ERDC MSRC Applications, Resources, Breakthroughs" by John West, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Major Shared Resources Center "Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Overview" by Michael Levine, PSC "Developing a New Dynamic-Mesh CFD Application Using UPC on the Cray X1E" by Andrew Johnson, Army High Performance Computing Research Center, Network Computing Center "High-Performance Computing: A Key Enabler for Achieving the Strategic Business Benefits of CFD" by Dennis Nagy, CD-adapco "Modeling Biological Containment Dispersion through a City" by Sharouz Aliabadi, Army High Performance Computing Research Center at Jackson State University "Controlling Hurricanes: A Discovery and a Challenge. Using Advances in Science and HPC To Take the Next Step" by Maria Pirone, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. "Early Evaluation of the Cray XT3 at ORNL" by Jeffrey Vetter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory "Weather Modeling of Rugged Regions" by Don Morton, University of Montana for U.S. Forest Service "Capability Computing with the Cray X1E" by Trey White, Oak Ridge National Laboratory "Rice University Computing Center Overview" by Jan Odegard, Rice University "OpenFPGA" Eric Stahlberg, Ohio Supercomputing Center "AMD Dual-Core Opteron Roadmap" by Doug O'Flaherty, Advanced Micro Devices "PBS Professional on Cray Systems" by Mike Humphrey, Altair Engineering Inc. "Cray XT3, the Best Thing for Science since the Cray T3E" by John Levesque, Cray Inc. "Cray Performance Tools and Features Roadmap" by Luiz DeRose, Cray Inc. Cray Partners Conference attendees can visit Cray partners at the Cray booth to learn more about their offerings: Mitrionics, Inc. from 12:00 to 1:00 PM daily Impulse Accelerated Technologies, Inc. from 1:00 to 2:00 PM daily DSPlogic, Inc. from 2:00 to 3:00 PM daily Celoxica Ltd. from 3:00 to 4:00 PM daily