SC|05 Challenges Experts to Think Outside the Box

This year, SC|05 will be hosting its sixth annual Bandwidth Challenge in Seattle, Washington on November 12-18, 2005. This contest serves to challenge scientists and networking engineers to create the best and most advanced techniques for utilizing vast amounts of data and showcasing it on advanced networks. The key to this bandwidth challenge is to display the data via a meaningful application. "To win the Bandwidth Challenge, our innovative scientists and networking gurus not only stretch the bounds of network capacity, they stretch their imaginations to envision a future where colossal bandwidth resources are indispensable to scientific collaboration and discovery," said Debbie Montano, SC|05 Bandwidth Challenge Chair and Director of Research & Education Alliances for Force10 Networks. The Bandwidth Challenge entries will be evaluated based on their ability to support the mission of science and to maintain sustained data throughput. The throughput amount will be verified using high performance monitoring gear provided by Spirent Communications. Qwest Communications will provide bandwidth to the show floor and Force10 Networks is providing the high-density 10GigE switch at the nexus of the SC|05 Bandwidth Challenge. SC|05 participants should expect approximately 400 to 500 Gbps of bandwidth and possibly even more to interconnect and showcase the work of scientists and networking leaders around the world. The deadline for submitting a full entry to the Bandwidth Challenge is September 1, 2005. In order to be included in the final SC|05 program, a summary must be submitted by July 29, 2005. Please make all submissions through its Web site. If participants plan to submit a Bandwidth Challenge entry in August or later, please also e-mail an intent to participate in the Bandwidth Challenge to by July 29, 2005.