Cray Reports International Order for Cray X1E and Cray XD1

Global supercomputer leader Cray Inc. today reported an order valued at approximately $8 million from an unnamed international customer for a Cray X1E supercomputer and a Cray XD1 supercomputer. The two systems are scheduled to be installed in the first half of 2005. "This is our second announced international order for the powerful Cray X1E vector supercomputer, the fully compatible successor to the Cray X1 system. The Cray X1 system is used by leading researchers and developers today for workloads demanding extreme, scalable performance and has demonstrated unrivaled results on standard benchmarks and real-world customer applications. The Cray X1E system will extend this performance leadership," said Peter Ungaro, Cray senior vice president of sales, marketing and service. "Combining the extreme performance of the new Cray X1E system with one of the largest Cray XD1 Linux-based systems sold to date will provide this customer with a tremendous range of power and flexibility," added Ungaro. The new Cray XD1 system lets customers experience the performance and reliability of Cray supercomputing technology in systems starting at less than $100,000 U.S. list for the first time ever. Together with the recently announced, Red Storm-based Cray XT3 massively parallel supercomputer, the Cray XD1, Cray X1 and Cray X1E systems constitute the world's most comprehensive and capable lineup of high performance computing (HPC) products.