Massivley Parallel Technologies Announces Virtual Power Centers

Massively Parallel Technologies, a provider of on-demand high performance computing, has announced that it is developing the world's first Virtual Power Center (VPC), a new means of accessing supercomputing power that will make high performance computing available to anyone with access to the Internet. Utilizing Massively Parallel's breakthrough HOWARD technology, VPCs will deliver supercomputer-like processing power through the Internet to users from researchers to video game players, on-demand and at any time. Currently, a number of VPCs are in development for a broad range of applications. VPCs are accessible on demand through a simple Internet connection, allowing a variety of users access to high performance computing power as they desire at low monthly rates. In addition to this unique and efficient on-demand delivery, VPCs simplify high performance computing in the following ways: * Simple menu bar: permits users to easily select and control the system * "Steerable computing": affords the user real-time control of the entire computing experience from start to finish * Holographic check-pointing: enables the system to redirect activity of any node that should fail insuring uninterrupted computing * Real-time scalability: lets the system increase the number of processors in the middle of a job -- Users can start a problem even before the ideal number of processors are available -- System will automatically add more processors as they become available * Heterogeneous system: allows PC and Apple nodes to work within the same cluster seamlessly insuring that legacy systems will be fully utilized The demand for high performance computing is increasing rapidly. Once just for esoteric problems run in government labs, supercomputing power is now a necessity in industries as diverse as oil and gas exploration, animation, drug discovery, flight simulation and even on-line computer gaming. Until now access to high performance computing was cost-prohibitive for many of these potential users, with prices for a supercomputer typically measured in millions of dollars. Massively Parallel's HOWARD technology allows users access to supercomputing power for rates comparable to cellular service. "For most applications, the most cost-effective way to attain the processing power of a supercomputer is through parallel processing, essentially stringing computers together," said Gene Amdahl, widely recognized as one of the fathers of parallel processing. "In 1967, I determined that in parallelization there are issues that will eventually place an upper limit on the maximal speed of the system, therefore mitigating much of the benefit of parallelization. This became known as 'Amdahl's Law' and has until now limited parallel processing's appeal as a commercially viable solution." Massively Parallel's HOWARD technology, developed by co-founder and CTO Kevin Howard, effectively solves the problems described in Amdahl's Law and allows for near linear scalability of parallel processing. This means MPT can provide supercomputing power for a fraction of the cost of traditional supercomputing. "By solving the problems associated with parallelization, the possibilities for MPT's technology are now virtually limitless," added Amdahl. "The advent of Virtual Power Centers marks the beginning of a new paradigm shift in computing where processing power is not contained in individual users' machines, but rather provided seamlessly through the Internet, on- demand," said Scott Smith, chief executive officer of Massively Parallel Technologies. "Computer processing power must keep up with demand. We believe that the future of processing power resides in delivering high performance computing power essentially in the form of a commodity." Background: Massively Parallel Technologies (MPT), a Colorado-based company, delivers high-performance computing through Virtual Power Centers, Internet-based hubs designed for specific computationally intense applications. Powered by HOWARD(TM), MPT's revolutionary system design and software solution provides the fastest possible communication between multiple processors. MPT's Virtual Power Centers can outperform most mainframes and supercomputers for a fraction of the cost. For additional information on Massively Parallel Technologies' products and services, call (303) 926-8555 or visit its Web site at