National security expert to head PNNL Coastal Security Institute

Don J. Bradley has been named director of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Coastal Security Institute in Sequim, Wash. Bradley previously managed PNNL’s International Technology Assessments Group and served as the laboratory’s field intelligence element director. Prior to those assignments, he specialized in the management of large multidisciplinary projects and represented the United States at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria. Bradley also assisted the U.S. government for 10 years as the leading authority on radioactive waste management in the former Soviet Union. His book, “Behind the Nuclear Curtain: Radioactive Waste Management in the Former Soviet Union,” is a major reference for that area of study. Bradley lectures world-wide and has presented seminars regionally at the University of Washington and Oregon State University. Bradley earned a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Washington State University in 1971 and a master’s degree in nuclear engineering from the University of Washington in 1973. Located at the laboratory’s Sequim Marine Research Operations facility, the Coastal Security Institute ( addresses critical needs in intelligence analysis, homeland security, national defense and global security. Background: PNNL is a DOE Office of Science laboratory that solves complex problems in energy, national security, the environment and life sciences by advancing the understanding of physics, chemistry, biology and computation. Ohio-based Battelle has managed PNNL since the lab’s inception in 1965.