Cray Inc. to Resell PGI Compilers

The Portland Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of STMicroelectronics, today announced a licensing agreement under which Cray Inc. will resell PGI optimizing F95, C, and C++ compilers and development tools with Cray's Red Storm-based line of massively parallel processing (MPP) supercomputers. The PGI compilers and tools are used by scientists and engineers to create and run high-performance computing applications for complex modeling and simulations in weather forecasting, geophysical processing, aerodynamic simulation, structural analysis, automotive crash testing, computational chemistry, and related fields. The PGI compilers and tools provide a uniformly optimized set of industry-tested development tools for the processors powering the fastest-growing science and engineering hardware platforms. Cray's Red Storm-based product line will utilize the same system and interconnect technology used for the Red Storm 40-TeraOp (40 trillion calculations per second) supercomputer designed by Cray in partnership with the Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories. The Red Storm systems use AMD Opteron processors and Cray's high-speed interconnect technology. "The Sandia Red Storm project and the Red Storm-based product line reflect Cray's strategy to deliver high-efficiency, high bandwidth supercomputer systems which are based on commodity processors and complement the Cray X1TM line of scalable vector supercomputers," said Dave Kiefer, Cray's vice president of engineering. "The PGI compilers and tools have been used on the Sandia's ASCI Red system for several years. They provide continuity between that system and Red Storm, and are among the most widely used compilers and tools for science and engineering on Linux workstations and clusters. By including PGI's established line of Linux compilers and tools, we can provide a comprehensive HPC product solution with the performance and reliability Cray customers expect." "We are very pleased to be working with Cray on compilers and tools for the Red Storm project and the new product line," said Douglas Miles, director of The Portland Group. "We have been working with Cray on an engineering basis for the past several months to ensure the PGI compilers and tools are completely integrated and optimized for the new Cray systems. Formalizing the relationship with this reseller agreement ensures it will be easy for Cray customers to buy and use the PGI compilers and tools that have been optimized for these systems." The PGI compiler suite includes the PGF77(R), PGF90(TM), PGCC(R), and PGC++(TM) compilers for the FORTRAN 77, Fortran 95, C, and C++ programming languages, respectively. Version 5.2 includes full support for all Fortran 95 extensions in PGF90; full native support for OpenMP parallel programming extensions in Fortran, C, and C++; full support for the X86-64 Application Binary Interface (ABI) medium-memory model allowing application data sets and data objects larger than 2 GBytes; native integrated scalar and vector SSE/SSE2 code generation; and a bundled version of the ACML 2.0 library of highly optimized numeric functions for mathematical, engineering, scientific, and financial applications. PGI compilers and tools are highly optimized for 64-bit AMD Opteron processors, and are used to build many of the most popular engineering and scientific applications including MM5, MOLPRO, WRF, POP, GAMESS, and others.