ORNL scientists study their simulations on a giant screen

Stellar explosions, protein structure and global climate models come to life in 1 billion vivid colors as scientists study their data and view simulations on a giant screen at the Center for Computational Sciences. The 8-by-30-foot power wall makes possible detailed study and collaborations in astrophysics, chemistry, climate, combustion, fusion, high-energy physics, life sciences, material science, nanotechnology and engineering sciences. "Visualizing and sifting through the incredible amount of information generated from massively parallel computer simulations is similar to trying to find a diamond in the desert," said George Fann of Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Computer Science and Mathematics Division. The power wall, dubbed EVEREST, changes that and provides a rich visual interactive experience and a highly collaborative environment for scientists to analyze their data. EVEREST makes use of commercial graphics and entertainment technologies and off-the-shelf dual-processor personal computers connected by a high-speed network to drive 27 projectors. The result is a scalable high-resolution (35 megapixels) graphics imaging cluster that is removing boundaries and helping scientists see their research in a new light. Funding is provided by the Department of Energy's Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research.