Platform Gives Big Iron a Boost

BALTIMORE, MD, SC2002 -- Extending its leadership in Grid computing, Platform Computing announced a significant expansion of its High Performance Computing (HPC) software solutions, designed to maximize the performance and capability processing for complex computing projects such as tackling "Grand Challenge" and "Big Science" problems. Developed in partnership with major system vendors -- including HP, IBM and SGI -- Platform's HPC solutions are customized to each vendor's HPC architecture, and extend Platform's industry leading workload management capabilities to enable life science, industrial manufacturing, government and research organizations to handle computationally intensive workloads faster and more reliably than ever before. Platform's HPC software solutions offer the most advanced scheduling policies in the market to help organizations transparently arbitrate and prioritize mission-critical HPC workloads for maximum return on investment. Key features include patent pending processor topology-aware scheduling, which schedules workload for faster processing and results, and support for advance reservation, policy-based preemption, resource reservation, and project-based fairshare. Platform's HPC enhancements include: * Support for vendor specific architectures such as IBM(R) pSeries(TM) and RS/6000(R) servers, SGI(R) NUMAflex(TM), HP AlphaServer(TM) SC, and Itanium. * Support for high speed interconnects, including Myrinet(TM), IBM SP(TM) switches, and Quadrics Elan. * MAUI scheduler support * Integrations with Scali(R), Scyld(TM), and Totalview * Production quality runtime management of parallel applications, including MPI, Open MP, PVM, and parameterized parallel applications. Leveraging an open, modular architecture, Platform's HPC solutions extend across an Enterprise Grid to enable user collaboration, and sharing of HPC resources across departments and different geographical locations. With over ten years of experience in architecting and designing large-scale HPC infrastructures, Platform's HPC solutions are supported by Platform's proven professional services team of HPC architects and consultants to help enterprises achieve success in high stables, mission-critical projects. "HPC has evolved to the point where it is no longer synonymous with scientific computing on massively parallel supercomputers, and is now shifting from academic and government projects to commercial operations, with applications such as computational chemistry, automotive accident simulation, and oil and gas exploration," said Rene Copeland, vice president, Government, Life Sciences and Industrial Manufacturing, Platform. "With Platform's HPC solutions, companies and researchers can apply superior capacity and maximum processing power to the most complex computing problems." Platform provides HPC software solutions to educational institutions, government and supercomputing laboratories, automotive firms, life sciences companies and oil and gas customers worldwide, including the U.S. Department of Defense, NASA, Oxford University, UCLA, the University of Glasgow, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), and the National Scaleable Cluster Project (NSCP) which includes the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Illinois at Chicago, the University of Maryland at College Park, Osaka University and the University of Tokyo.