Topspin Demonstrates 10 Gbps Switching Solution

BALTIMORE, Maryland - Topspin® Communications, a technology startup delivering the foundation for a new high-performance, flexible computing model, will demonstrate its Topspin 360 Switched Computing System™ as a core component of high-performance computing clusters at Super Computing 2002 (SC2002), November 18-22, in Baltimore, Maryland. The Topspin 360 will be on display in the Intel booth (#1835) and the MPI Software Technology booth (#1903). In the MPI Software Technology booth, the demonstration will show Mandelbrot computations with Intel Pentium 4 servers running on top of Topspin’s 360 Switched Computing System. “We’re excited about the combination of standards-based 10 Gb performance and port scalability we get with the Topspin 360. We’re planning to deliver our MPI/Pro message-passing interface for InfiniBand running on Topspin’s system starting in early 2003,” said Jennifer Skjellum, CEO, MPI Software Technology. Leveraging a terabit per second switching fabric, the Topspin 360 offers up to 72 switched 10 Gbps InfiniBand ports, 1 Gbps Ethernet port, and/or 2 Gbps Fibre Channel ports in a single highly-available 4U chassis. InfiniBand - a standard protocol recognized for delivering high bandwidth and low latency - is ideally suited to the rigorous requirements of high-performance computing applications. Customers such as Los Alamos National Laboratories are already using InfiniBand for super computing initiatives. “We are building a 128-node cluster over InfiniBand and MPI to drive a top-of-the-line virtual reality room as well as a high-performance networking testbed,” said Mike Boorman of Los Alamos’ Advanced Development Team in the Network Engineering Group. “We use the Topspin 360 in our efforts to build these scalable, reliable clusters based on a low-latency, high-bandwidth interconnect.” Topspin’s Switched Computing System incorporates Mellanox’s 4X InfiniBand switching silicon. “The Topspin 360 is an example of outstanding system design that showcases the industry-leading performance of our InfiniBand silicon devices,” said Kevin Deierling, vice president product marketing, Mellanox Technologies. “We are thrilled to be showing real-world applications for InfiniBand and the Topspin 360 Switched Computing System,” said Stu Aaron, vice president of marketing and business development, Topspin Communications. “We see tremendous customer interest in applying our technology to high-performance computing clusters, distributed databases, and ultimately, on-demand computing solutions. On the heels of unprecedented demonstrations running Oracle and DB2 at separate events last week, this is the third real application proof-point for Topspin in two weeks.”