New Study Finds IBM Number One in Supercomputing

Armonk, N.Y., An independent study released today found that IBM is the world's leading provider of Supercomputers with a total of 93,074 Teraflops, or trillions of calculations per second, of power on the TOP500 List of Supercomputers, representing more than 31 percent of the total processing power on the list and greater then 43 percent ahead of runner up HP with 64,827.6 Teraflops. In the exclusive realm of the top 100 most powerful supercomputers in the world, IBM accounted for 43 systems, more than three times the number of HP's 13 systems on the List. IBM has committed our deep technology and research capabilities to become the leader in Supercomputing, said Peter Ungaro, Vice President of High Performance Computing, IBM. In recent years new applications using scalable cluster and Grid systems has exploded. We expect that the tremendous innovation in areas like life sciences, digital media, and the use of computer simulation will continue to fuel the use of these high end systems in public research, within industry and for commercial businesses. IBM will continue our track record of innovation around Grid computing and on demand delivery of supercomputing in the years ahead. Based on the success of IBM's POWER microprocessor technology, IBM supercomputers are the most widely used in the world for the largest scale applications and IBM supercomputers are used in industries including life sciences to explore the medical mysteries, in automobile design to make cars safer, and in financial markets to optimize investment strategies. The "TOP500 List Supercomputing Sites" is compiled and published by supercomputing experts Jack Dongarra from the University of Tennessee and Erich Strohmaier and Hans Meuer of the University of Mannheim (Germany). The entire list can be viewed at IBM also announced today the eServer p655, an ultra dense UNIX server targeted at the High Performance Computing market that packs up to 128 POWER4 processors in a single rack.