New Green 500 List of Supercomputers sets Nov. 14 deadline

The next submission deadline for the Green500 List of supercomputers will be on Nov. 14, 2008. The Green500 List debuted in November 2007 at the Supercomputing 2007 (SC07) conference to provide a foundation for tracking trends in green supercomputing. In that inaugural list, nearly half of the TOP500 List reported their actual power consumption numbers based on the guidelines set forth at the Green500 List website The Virginia Tech organizers of the Green500 List will have a Birds of a Feather (BoF) Session on The Green500 List at the 20th Association of Computing Machinery/Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis in Austin, Texas, on Nov. 19, 2008. At this Birds of a Feather session, the organizers will continue to seek feedback on the evolution and future directions of the Green500. The session intends to broaden the opportunities for participation in the Green500 List for everyone involved, from submitters to critics, as the partaking and passion of the high performance computing community for energy efficiency is now becoming self-evident. For more information, e-mail Green500 list The Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech was established in 1971 and is part of the College of Engineering, the premier engineering school in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The college has a history of innovation, including cost-effective supercomputing (System X) and entrepreneurial research innovation, leading to three new buildings for research in critical technologies and applied science. The Department of Computer Science is distinguished by interdisciplinary research in high-end computing systems, computational biology and bioinformatics, and human-computer interaction as well as core areas in computing. The graduate program, offering master of science and Ph.D. degrees in Blacksburg and at the Northern Virginia Center, was ranked among the top 30 programs as measured by the most recent study of Ph.D.s awarded. The graduates of the accredited undergraduate program are highly sought by industry and well prepared for further study.