Rogue Wave brings parallel computing power to developers

New Capabilities Enable Developers to Rapidly, Efficiently Modernize Existing IT Assets and Develop New Applications for Parallel Computing: Rogue Wave Software today announced the general availability of the Rogue Wave Hydra Suite Edition 4. With the release, Rogue Wave offers developers enhanced capabilities for developing and deploying high performance business applications. The key element of Rogue Wave Hydra 4 is the introduction of HydraEnterprise, a high performance service grid that enables development organizations to build and deploy enterprise-class, high performance applications in legacy and service-oriented architectures. Processor technology has changed dramatically over the last four years, but software applications have not followed suit. Where companies once relied on advancements in faster and faster processors to improve application performance, they must now determine how to optimize their existing applications to run on distributed networks of multi-core processors. To maximize investments in multi-core environments, single-threaded applications need to be retooled for parallel computing. Most organizations view current tools for parallel programming to be too labor intensive, expensive and risky to be practical. In response to this need, HydraEnterprise enables both legacy and service-oriented applications to be deployed in distributed, multi-core environments without requiring the low level coding associated with traditional tools. "The multi-core era is here, and we are entering a crucial phase where critical business applications need to leverage the full performance potential," said Patrick Leonard, Vice President, Engineering and Product Strategy at Rogue Wave Software. "We engineered HydraEnterprise to help development teams build high performance applications that are optimized for distributed multi-core environments without having to invest in expensive development resources. And for existing applications, HydraEnterprise eases the transition to parallel computing and multi-core while avoiding following a 'rip and replace' strategy and the associated costs." "Customers want high-performance computing technologies that improve application performance while maximizing their return on investments," said Ed Turkel, product marketing manager, Scalable Computing and Infrastructure organization, HP. "Through participation in HP's Multi-Core Optimization Program, Rogue Wave Hydra Suite Edition 4 software can unleash the full power of the latest generation of HP multi-core systems to deliver solutions that enable faster application development while increasing productivity." HydraEnterprise addresses the significant challenges development organizations face in building high-performance applications in distributed multi-core environments, including:
  • The need to deal with the "Multi-core Dilemma" - enterprise applications that will not scale effectively on multi-core hardware without rewriting for multi-threading.
  • The need to efficiently modernize legacy applications and migrate them to multi-core environments without investing in expensive development resources.
  • The need to bridge the gap between high availability and significant performance increases, while maintaining the flexibility of a service-oriented environment.

In fact, a survey of developers and IT architects showed the shift to multi-core is imminent and performance requirements are the primary driver for the flight to multi-core servers. To learn more about the survey results, read the press release entitled "Developer Survey Shows Performance Requirements Usher in the Multi-core Era" at its Web site. Optimizing multi-core environments HydraEnterprise offers significant advantages over in-house multi-threaded programming development and traditional approaches to parallel computing. Given that HydraEnterprise is optimized for multi-core environments, such as the HP Cluster Platform Work Group Server or HP Integrity systems, it enables distributed applications -- initially designed to run on single core processors -- to take full advantage of the multi-core hardware platforms without significant re-writes of the underlying code. HydraEnterprise also separates the application logic from parallelism, making the parallelism configurable for future changes. This increases developer productivity by eliminating the need for application developers to be experts in writing multi-threaded code.