TotalView adds batch and remote access debugging to TotalView 8.6

New TotalView version frees users to debug anytime and anywhere with improved remote debugging and a high-productivity replacement for printf() debugging TotalView Technologies, a provider of dynamic software analysis tools for serial and parallel codes, today introduced the newest version of its award-winning source code analysis and error detection tool, TotalView 8.6. The new TotalView 8.6 release includes batch debugging with TVScript designed to automate test/verify/debug environments, and remote display debugging to enable developers to use TotalView across machines from any location. TotalView 8.6 includes a new troubleshooting utility called TVScript, which provides TotalView users with a streamlined mechanism for automated and unattended debugging. TVScript significantly condenses the print-style troubleshooting cycle by allowing users to perform multiple runs of a single version of a program – examining different variables at different locations each time – without recompiling or stopping to make source edits. This enables developers to perform debugging via instrumentation and run the program without any interactive debugging session on the target machine. Since the first instrumentation pass is rarely sufficient to pin down the problem, root cause TVScript makes it extremely simple to refine the instrumentation and resubmit the job. TotalView’s new Remote Display Client offers users the ability to easily set up and securely operate an interactive graphical debugging session using TotalView running on systems which may be located down the hall, across campus, or on the other side of the country. Available for Linux x86, Linux x86-64, Windows XP and Windows Vista, the Remote Display Client will now be included in all TotalView releases and does not require a separate license. The Remote Display Client uses SSH to provide for authentication and encryption of traffic over the wide area network. The client has been designed to let the user connect to machines requiring logging in to a publicly addressable host and then a second connection with compute resources on private IP addresses behind firewalls. This requires no special software, but just the client on the user’s desktop and TotalView on the server or supercomputer where he wishes to debug his software. Users and site administrators can create and share profiles to record the steps needed to log on to specific machines. The client also handles job submission with popular batch queuing systems like PBS Pro and LoadLeveler. TotalView is a comprehensive source code analysis and memory error detection tool that dramatically enhances developer productivity by simplifying the process of debugging parallel, data-intensive, multi-process, multi-threaded or network-distributed applications. Built to handle the complexities of the world’s most demanding applications, TotalView offers a number of advanced features that help speed development and eliminate bugs quickly. Most recent versions also support Cell Broadband Engine-based Linux systems utilizing the IBM Cell Software Development Kit (SDK), and the IBM Blue Gene/P platform. “Debugging is a critical and time-consuming part of the application development life cycle,” said Chris Gottbrath, product manager at TotalView Technologies. “TotalView has already significantly reduced the effort and time it takes for our customers to resolve defects in their programs. This version of TotalView frees developers to debug any way they choose – interactively, via batch, and remotely. This new version makes debugging convenient.” TotalView 8.6 is available now for download at: