Seanodes scores customer, market success

Seanodes, the creator and leading developer of Shared Internal Storage solutions, today announced strong growth and better-than-expected results for the first three quarters of 2008, with major customer wins, securing new funding and multiple industry awards for its innovative Exanodes storage software. A 2008 highlight was the selection of Seanodes as one of the elite “Cool Vendors” by leading analyst firm Gartner Inc., which cited Seanodes’ Shared Internal Storage technology as “an alternative to traditional external storage capacity expansion.” Gartner awards the “Cool Vendor” title only to the few companies that offer technologies or solutions that are innovative, impactful and intriguing, enabling users to do things they couldn't do before, have, or will have, business impact (not just technology for the sake of technology), and have caught Gartner's interest or curiosity. Seanodes followed that award with $2.4 million in funding from OSEO, France’s national agency for industrial innovation, in the form of a no-interest loan to support ongoing technology development and company growth. This latest funding will enable Seanodes to expand its R&D efforts and extend the Shared Internal Storage platform to VMware and Microsoft operating environments. In the most significant validation of the Shared Internal Storage technology, Seanodes demonstrated major customer traction and the versatility of its Exanodes software to serve users ranging from the SMB market to the most data intensive high-performance computing environments. Recent customer wins include SMB customer Pack Solutions, one of France’s financial advisor firms, which chose Seanodes based on the reliability and high data availability of the architecture, and ServiSMART, a Portugal-based emerging service provider, which selected Seanodes to provide the virtualized storage platform for its new cloud computing infrastructure. Additionally, NASA’s infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC), at the California Institute of Technology, selected Exanodes software to be part of an upgraded enterprise network architecture designed to process and store massive amounts of spectroscopy and imaging data generated by the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF), a four year project established to perform nightly scans of the skies to capture any new, undiscovered objects. “2008 has been an overwhelming year for Seanodes by exceeding our plans in every area,” said Frank Gana, Business Development Director at Seanodes. “The market has clearly endorsed the Shared Internal Storage concept and how it can dramatically improve the economics of networked storage from the SMB to the enterprise. With the successes we’ve achieved this year, Seanodes is well-positioned for an even better year in 2009.” Customers and analysts are not the only ones praising Seanodes’ groundbreaking Shared Internal Storage technology. The company has scored several industry awards from leading technology publications:
  • Computer Reseller News included Seanodes in its “Emerging Tech Vendors,” the magazine’s annual list of channel-friendly companies that are recognized for providing superior technology, support and margins over more-established companies in today’s information technology industry.
  • Exanodes was named “Storage Virtualization Product of the Year” by Techworld, calling it “true innovation within the IT industry.”
  • eWeek chose Shared Internal Storage as one of the “10 Disruptive New Storage Technologies Promise Big Changes.” The publication recognized Seanodes for its “ground-breaking” storage software and proclaimed SIS as one of the “technologies that have emerged recently to set the industry on its ear.”
  • Network Products Guide named Exanodes Virtual Machine Edition a winner of the 2008 Best Products and Services Award. This respected annual award honors products and services that represent the rapidly changing needs and interests of the end-users of technology worldwide.