Register now for SC08 to take advantage of advance registration discounts

What do climate change research, clothes dryers, and fighter jets have in common? They are all being improved with high performance computing, communications and storage technologies. Find out more by claiming your spot at the world’s leading HPC gathering. Register before Wednesday, Oct. 15 to take advantage of SC08's advance registration discounts. SC08 will celebrate 20 years of unleashing the power of HPC this year, following the traditions set by the first SC Conference in 1988. The conference, to be held Nov. 15-21 in Austin, showcases the latest in high performance computing (HPC), networking, storage, and analysis applied to the world's most challenging commercial, scientific and engineering problems. Advance registration for the SC08 Technical Program is available through Wednesday, Oct. 15. This year’s Technical Program will include two days of tutorials, three days of technical paper presentations, a keynote address and other invited speakers, seven panel discussions, a flock of birds-of-a-feather sessions, poster presentations and more. For more information about registration categories and rates and to register, go to:
  • Are you curious about who is working to solve the computational and technology problems that matter to you? The SC conference series is the gathering of record for cutting edge hardware, software, and applications research.
  • Are you committed to learning how to do your job better? SC tutorials are the resource that HPC professionals have turned to for twenty years to learn the latest techniques, and to master the standards of practice in high performance computing and analysis.
  • Are you passionate about the contributions of HPC to our knowledge of the world around us and to the technologies we all use at work and play every day? The SC Education Program is lighting the way for the next generation of HPC professionals.
  • Are you looking for one place learn about the latest programs, projects, and products in HPC? SC08 will connect you with over 10,000 of your peers, customers, and potential customers from all corners of the world of supercomputing.

Register now to take advantage of advance registration discounts, and to make sure that someone else doesn't claim your place at SC08.