Grant Applications to Attend SC07 Conference Due June 29

Through the years, the SC conference series has sponsored a number of programs to increase participation by groups outside the mainstream of high performance computing and networking. Expanding those efforts at SC07 is the Broader Engagement initiative, which is committed to broadening the engagement of individuals in high performance computing and networking from groups that have traditionally been under-represented in the field. To achieve this, the Broader Engagement initiative (BE) is providing grants to support participation in the SC07 Technical Program, encouraging tech program submissions, and fostering networking through both a formal mentoring program and informal contacts at the conference, sponsored by ACM and IEEE, SC07 will be held November 10-16, 2007, in Reno, Nevada. Applications for grants to participate in the SC07 Technical Program under the Broader Engagement Initiative are being accepted through Friday, June 29. In addition to complementary conference registration, grant recipients will be reimbursed for their SC expenses for lodging and transportation, up to an agreed upon amount. More information, including a link to the application form, can be found at “Broader Engagement Participation Grants offer a unique opportunity for you to explore and participate in the advancements being made in today's high performance computing environment,” said SC07 BE Chair Jennifer Teig von Hoffman of Boston University. “At SC07, BE participants will have the opportunity to meet and share ideas and experiences with each other and with the broader community, learning more about how to use and benefit from advanced technologies. SC07’s technical presentations, panel discussions and extensive exhibits from industry and research institutions will provide excellent venues for academic and professional development.” Applications are invited from those in all computing-related disciplines, including those with backgrounds in research education, and industry. Students are especially encouraged to apply; applications from researchers, faculty, staff, and other professionals are also welcome. Primary consideration will be given to applicants from groups that have traditionally been under-represented in high performance computing, such as African-Americans, Hispanics, Indigenous People, and women. Successful grant applicants will: • Demonstrate academic and/or professional background related to high performance computing, networking, storage, and/or analysis • Further SC’s desire to engage individuals from groups that have been traditionally under-represented in computing and related fields, such as African-Americans, Hispanics, Indigenous People, and women • Demonstrate keen interest in integrating innovative technologies into the curriculum or work environment • Commit themselves to take the fullest advantage of this unique opportunity to meet and leader from international leaders in the field of high performance computing and networking. Successful applicants will be notified of their acceptance by August 1. Applicants who have not previously participated in the SC will be given first priority for funding. SC07 will reimburse Grant recipients up to $1,500.00 to help support the cost of travel, lodging, per diem, and associated expenses within the guidelines established by SC07. Expenses exceeding $1,500 will not be reimbursed and will be the responsibility of the participant. The grant is non-transferable. For more information, visit the BE Web site or send email to