ISC'07 Puts World's Leading Supercomputing Vendors on the 'Hot Seat'

The 2007 International Supercomputing Conference (ISC'07) will bring many international leaders in supercomputing hardware, software, interconnect, storage, and research to Dresden this June, and 18 of them will take part in one of the conference's most popular features—the "Hot Seat Session." The Hot Seat Session is an afternoon of short, to-the-point presentations by industry powerhouses and supercomputing centers in Europe, Asia and North America. Each speaker has 10 minutes to present their organization's newest strategy, product, or research developments. A panel of expert "inquisitors" then asks each speaker two in-depth follow-up questions. "These sessions are always interesting because the speakers are presenting to a very well- versed audience and the inquisitors ask probing, often difficult questions," said ISC'07 Conference Chair Prof. Hans Werner Meuer of the University of Mannheim. "The speakers need to prepare very succinct, yet thorough, presentations and they need to be prepared to think on their feet. The interaction is always lively and thought provoking." The ISC '07 Hot Seat Session will be held in two parts on Thursday, June 27—the first from 2 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. and the second from 4:45 p.m. – 7 p.m. For a schedule of who's on the hot seat and who their inquisitors are, see its Web site. ISC '07, the largest supercomputing conference in Europe, will be held June 26-29 in Dresden, and includes three days of presentations, exhibits and networking, in addition to sessions that will address supercomputing's role in research (Scientific Day) and in the automotive industry (Automotive Day). All conference proceedings are conducted in English. Although advance registration for ISC '07 is now closed, participants can still register before the conference, rather than waiting for onsite registration. An online registration form is available at its Web site. Exhibition visitor passes can also be purchased at this web page. A link to hotel information also is available from the registration page. For more information about the conference, see its Web site.